Our landscapers are here....again. This time HTP and I are here to keep an eye on them. They're hauling dirt to fill our raised garden beds. My plants are going to be planted too. And now I can actually walk on the new concrete that was poured yesterday. Things are shaping up. There were a few tense moments this morning when I had to run out to tell the workers, who don't speak English, that they weren't supposed to bury the low-voltage wire for our Malibu lights. I started out in English, then continued on in Spanish after ascertaining from their blank looks that they didn't speak English. My Spanish is not the best when it comes to technical terms but I got my point across. One hour later, the English speaking workmen arrived and HTP and I were able to go over our concerns about the irrigation system, plant placement, wiring for lighting, etc., etc. etc.
It's laundry day today so I'm splitting my time between that and peering outside to make sure everything goes according to plan. I'll be excited to see how far things go today.
Murphyism of the Day
Clarke's First Law
When a distinquished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
Clarke's Second Law
The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into impossible.
Clarke's Law of Revolutionary Ideas
Every revolutionary area--in Science, Politics, Art or Whatever--evokes three stages of reaction.
They are summed up by three phrases:
1. "It is impossible--don't waste my time."
2. "It is possible, but it isn't worth doing."
3. "I said it was a good idea all along."
* Please note that my Murphyism of the Day section is taken in its majority (because sometimes I've interjected original thoughts) from the following book. The Complete Murphy's Law A Definitive Collection by Arthur Bloch. Credit should be given where credit is due. I've noted this in past blogs but few people actually go back and check out my past blogs so I thought I'd better reiterate.
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