One thing HTP and I have learned in life is that you never can trust workmen to work unsupervised for any extent of time. One thing I have learned, is that male workmen never take a woman's advise or requests seriously. Yesterday, HTP and I (mainly HTP because no-one really listened to me) had to repeatedly go out and correct mistakes the landscape crew were making before it was too late. Our landscaper popped over once or twice to check on things but it ended up that HTP and I (mainly HTP because no-one was listening to me) felt that we had to be the actual supervisors of the work or suffer the end result being something other then what our design called for. As it is, the landscaping has begun. It rained last night so our backyard is a muddy mess. I had to pick up after the workmen after they left. They left food and empty beverage containers strewn throughout the worksite. Arizona is noted for its mean and nasty ants. Nasty, biting creatures, every single one of them. I suppose an ant would have to be mean and nasty to survive the desert climate of Arizona but that doesn't mean that I want to encourage them to come visit me. Anyway, they would have loved the leftovers these guys left. Since I'm not fond of swarms of ants on my patio furniture, I cleaned up after the workers. We also had to call the termite people to come and renew our protective barrier before the concrete is scheduled to come on Monday. I was told that the exterminator would come and take care of it last night but I don't see that anyone actually came. This could be because of the rain last night or it could be because they couldn't actually get into our neighborhood after 6 PM. We live in a gated community. However, no-one called. We haven't seen any landscapers this morning. I'm not even sure if we were expecting someone to come today or not. I got up at my usual time anyway...just in case someone showed up at 6 AM.
Murphyism of the Day
Potter's Law
The amount of flak received on any subject is inversely proportional to the subject's true value.
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