Friday, December 16, 2005

Word of the Day

Ignoration - The act or process of ignoring; the state of ignoring.

I really hate making spritz. This wasn't always the case. I used to make wonderful spritz cookies. Actually, I still make wonderful spritz cookies. They just don't LOOK wonderful. Ever since HTP's mom used my spritz-maker...way back when #1 son was just a spritz-maker just doesn't work quite right. So? I bought a new spritz-maker. That one doesn't work right either. I haven't been able to fine a spritz-maker that works just right. Oh well. They taste good. I made a double batch of vanilla spritz ribbons, a batch of green pudgy Christmas trees, and a batch of wreaths.

I'm going to make peanut brittle after supper. I was going to make it this afternoon but HTP bought the wrong type of dry-roasted peanuts. I had no idea that they made a salt-free version so I just asked HTP to get me a couple of jars of dry-roasted peanuts. If I'd known that there was a salt-free version, I would have specified. Get me the ones with salt. Oh well...I needed to go out shopping anyway. We were able to exchange the peanuts and I got some candied fruit for my fruitcake. Hey! I happen to like fruitcake! And I got more flour. It's amazing how much flour I've gone through in the last few days. And eggs. And sugar. And margarine.

Murphyism of the Day

Schnatterly's Summing-up of the Corollaries

If anything can't go wrong, it will.

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