Word of the Day
Invigoraching - Invigorating to the point that it becomes painful.
HTP learned much about the new toy that I got him for Christmas. Believe, there is a lot to learn about these satellite radios. He set it up near our bed and I've been playing. Last night I was able to listen to Coast to Coast without the usual static, invasion from Mars, noise. I discovered that though the comedy channel is really funny, it isn't conducive to sleep. So...back to Coast to Coast. HTP hooked it up in the car. His initial reaction was that the sound was tinny. However, the main reason for this toy is that we travel long distances and at times local radio just doesn't exist. You can only listen to the same CD's so many times before you've got them memorized. We're going to give HTP's new toy a workout soon. The drive to Las Vegas contains a lot of dead air spots. I'm going to introduce HTP to the Laugh Radio Station.
I've been feeling a bit teary today. Last night we found out that DD daughter's horse passed away. I know how much she loved that horse. When I was young, I wanted to own a horse but there never seemed to be a time or place. HTP, though he loves me, doesn't really like animals, large dogs are one of those animals that he particularly dislikes, and to HTP, a horse is one of the biggest dogs out there. Once you know this fact, you know how much HTP loves me because I have two little dogs and he doesn't complain too much. He even tolerated the presence of a cat and then cats. I'm happy that DD daughter made the time and found the place to realize the dream of owning her own horse. I know that she'll find the time and place again someday.
I've started to put away the Christmas stuff. I fear that the key word in that last sentence was "started". Oh well, it was a start. I sorted out all the wonderful Christmas cards people sent. Read them once again. And then created gift tags for next Christmas. My Mom taught me the importance of recycling. The gift wrap, bows and tags are all stored away in the garage until next Christmas. I'm not in a great hurry to strip the house of Christmas decorations. I'll work on it a bit each day but I'm going to do the real work after we get back from Vegas.
#1 son got me a new/used spritz maker for Christmas this year. Actually, he got me three of them. He was covering his bases, knowing that these spritz makers are notorious for not working. Anyway, he's anxious for me to make some spritz cookies so we can figure out which of these makers actually work. Add another thing to the after Vegas list. I've still got so many cookies here that I just don't feel like making any cookies for a while. I promised #1 son that we'd give them each a workout next year....not next Christmas....next year, after we get back from Vegas and before #1 son has to return to college. I'll send the cookies back with him so he can share with his roomie and study partners.
Murphyism of the Day
Sodd's First Law
When a person attempts a task, he will be thwarted in that task by the unconscious intervention of some other presence (animate or inanimate). Nevertheless, some tasks are completed, since the intervening presence is itself attempting a task and is, of course, subject to interference.
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