Saturday, December 17, 2005

Word of the Day

Immewnity - No prosecution for catnapping.

It seems that I've spending a great deal of time in grocery stores. Thankfully, there is a grocery store only five minutes car. Unfortunately, I don't always have a car on hand. HTP and I only have one car. Actually, we only REALLY need the one car if we plan things right. I ran out of sugar. Again. Yesterday, it was flour. I made six batches of peanut brittle last night so I guess a sugar shortage was to be expected. I had just enough to make one batch of fruitcake bars this morning. So anyway, we combined the grocery shopping with some other shopping that needed doing.

HTP had some shopping to do so I decided to go with him. He needed to get me a new keyboard for my computer. My old keyboard was working fine but you couldn't read the letters on the keys anymore. I'm a touch-typer so this doesn't usually bother me but sometimes, if I'm not in touch-type mode and someone asks me to type an E or a D or whatever, I'd have to really think about where it was located on my poor old keyboard. Who'd have thought that I'd actually wear off the letters on my keyboard? Must be all this blogging. Anyway, the new keyboard feels a bit strange but I'm sure I'll get used to it.

I'm going to make another batch of fruitcake bars. I LIKE FRUITCAKE!!!!! I refuse to apologize for that fact. I like lots of things. I don't like tripe or menudo. I really don't like kidneys. And, even though I happen to like liver with onions, I can't stand chicken livers or turkey livers and forget Foie Gras. Foie Gras reminds me of that icky fat that used to come attached to the pork chops that my Mom used to make me eat. I used to try and hide it under the plate when she wasn't looking. If our dogs weren't so well trained, I would have slipped it to them. I like vegetables, broccoli included. I like poultry of every kind, red meat or every kind, most fish...I don't like salmon unless it's smoked...and I like the other white meat. I love raw oysters. I love sushi and sashimi. I love deep, dark, rich chocolate. And...I LIKE FRUITCAKE!!!! I don't find myself craving it in the middle of the night but somehow Christmas just isn't the same without a nice piece of fruitcake along with a cup of coffee or tea.

Murphyism of the Day

Bloch's Corollary

If everything can go wrong, it will.

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