Monday, January 02, 2006

We're heading home today. I got my final coffee latte from the park and brought it back here to the room. After breakfast, we'll be stopping at my folks' place to pick up the dogs and then it's on to the DAAAAYAAAAM. How long the wait will be, we won't know until we get there. I'll finish up this post later tonight...maybe. All depends on how tired I am when we get back home.

As for the details of my luck? I've often told people that if you walk away from Vegas with money in your pocket, you won. The whole thing about gambling is that it's supposed to be fun. Video games for adults. Three days are about my limit. Anything more than that and it becomes work, not fun. So? Details? I broke even for this trip. No big jackpots. Just enough tiny ones to keep me playing. Again, Vegas paid for me to come here. Knock on wood, they'll pay for my next trip too.


Much later....

Actually, our drive back to Arizona didn't include a trip over the DAAAAAYAAAAM. We cut a full one and a half hours off our drive time. We planned to drive across the DAAAAYAAAAM but when we witnessed the line-up of traffic stretching back as far as Boulder, we changed our minds. We turned around and headed back through Boulder and then took the Searchlight/Laughlin route. I must say that this was a lot nicer traffic-wise. We may have to do that more often, at least until the Dam Bypass is completed. No police checkpoints. No people/tourists wandering/meandoring willy-nilly across the Daaayaaam roadway. No construction delays.

We're home!

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