Word of the Day
Jobsolete - No employment, no job.
Cold/Flu - Day 5
Now my nose is running. Added to the coughing fits, it's more than apparent that I won't be able to play my clarinet at the church tomorrow. Miracles happen every day but I'd just as soon God didn't waste time on my cold/flu just so I can play at the church. The world won't end if I'm not there even if I hate the fact that I can't be there. I'd go but I really don't want to pass this cold/flu to anyone else. So, it'll be another stay at home day for me. At least I got some sleep last night. Thank you Nyquil liquid gelcaps. I don't like to take stuff but at this point I'm ready to do anything to stop the coughing and get some sleep. HTP says he's feeling better so that's a plus. He can make his own breakfast if he's hungry. I know....that sounds cranky. I need coffee! Tea just doesn't put a dent in my caffeine addiction withdrawal. As a matter of fact, I'm going to go get a cup of coffee right now. I need my coffee and I'm sick of tea. I'm sick enough as it is without adding that to the equation. I'll drink more tea later.
DD daughter called this morning. She's been on 12 hours on 12 hours off guard duty all week. Today was supposed to be the last day. She called because she was bored. Apparently, no-one had come to relieve her and she was now going on 14 hours on and counting. Ah well... She told me that GI Joe is out on a convoy somewhere in Iraq so she hadn't heard from him. No...I can't tell you where in Iraq even if I knew...which I don't.
Murphyism of the Day
Commoner's Law of Ecology
Nothing ever goes away.
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