Word of the Day
Laundrotate - the act of putting in a load of laundry, the washed laundry to the dryer, and folding the clean, dry clothes.
Cold/Flu - Day 22
I'm doing laundry and the word of the day fits perfectly. I sorted the laundry. I'm putting loads in the washer and dryer and I'm folding. Not very interesting but all part of what I do. I cook. I clean. I do everything that I can to make a home no matter where we are. Homemakers never have the luxury of retirement. We work our entire lives. Do we get paid for it? Not if you go by official governmental tax laws.
I actually thought at one time that as soon as my children grew up and left the nest, I'd go out and get a paying job. I thought I'd be bored. I really don't have too much time to be bored. I've morphed. The definition of home-maker when my children were at home has changed now that they're off making their own homes. Now that HTP is retired, I've morphed. I still cook and clean. But I've morphed into a nutritionist. I've added cheer-leading to the mix. I'm experimenting with new things. I made/invented pomegranate liqueur. It turned out great! I may try dandelion liqueur this summer when we get back to Wisconsin. Or how about a liqueur using rose blossoms? The sugarfree jam I made over the summer turned out wonderful. I really wish that I'd find the time to take a stained glass class or a painting class. Maybe next fall. No. I'm not bored. I still have an afghan that I need to work on. Retirement? What would I do with myself? Probably the same exact thing that I'm doing right now.
We're still dealing with an internet connection that is not very trustworthy. HTP set up the laptop for me with a dial-up connection so I won't go totally nuts. Right now? My cable connection is working. I'm not sure how long that will last. Someone will be coming out tomorrow to see if they can blame the problem on us. I'm just hoping that they've finally managed to figure out that the problem is on their end and (knock on wood) have fixed it. Dial-up connections aren't all that great. However, they're a lot better than nothing.
Murphyism of the Day
Fahnstock's Rule of Failure
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
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