Word of the DayThoughtomatically - An automatic thought...instantaneous.21 Days and a Wake Up And We Hit the Road *When I look outside the window of our office, I see a sea of yellow, red, orange and green leaves. The leaves on the trees in the woods seem to change as I watch. It's a truly amazing sight.
Last night I went down to sit on the dock for a while. Earlier in the evening the lake seemed to call to me as I was cooking our supper on the grill. The lake was so quiet and still. Just enough leaves have fallen from the trees to make the lake clearly visible from our deck.
So I went down to the dock after supper and sat. It was so quiet but I could hear the faint call of Canadian geese in the distance. And there was that faint moaning sound made by the neighbor's cows. It was getting dark but I could still see the fall colors of the trees that line the lake. A fish rolled up on the surface of the lake and I watched the resultant ripples spreading and then gone. A few bats darted here and there, daring to skim close to the surface of the water. And the moon, not a full moon, but one of those story-book moons was shining in the night sky. One of those picture moons where you see a fairy or an angel sitting on the edge of the crescent moon, gently rocking.
There wasn't a single light from the cabins across the lake. I guess it's too cold now for jet-skiers. Their loss, my gain. As I walked back up to the house, I noted the smell of autumn leaves. No underlying aroma from a fireplace fire since I hadn't wanted to build one. It had been sunny and relatively warm during the day. Maybe tonight.
Every season has its own unique perfume here at The Lake. Spring, summer, fall, winter. I won't be here to enjoy the fragrance of winter but that's OK. I remember and maybe someday I'll be sitting here painting a verbal picture for you of a winter here at The Lake. Not this year. This year I will remember while I enjoy the warm comfort of the Arizona sun and the unique perfume of the Arizona desert.
Murphyism of the DayJoe's LawThe inside contact that you have developed at great expense is the first person to be let go in any reorganization.
* Disclaimer: The countdown has started but it isn't written in blood. I make mistakes and we all know that you just can't pin down life like a bug on a entomology class display board.