Monday, September 18, 2006

Word of the Day

Telepathetic - People who go around thinking they can read minds and tell the future.

Tired. Exhausted. When I discovered that I'd forgotten to blog today, I felt an audible groan bubbling up from the general location of my diaphragm.

My sister and I drove into the city to buy wine bottles, corks and all kinds of other wine bottling paraphernalia that we needed. After we got back, we bottled, corked and labeled the wine. We bottled 17 bottles of wine. 8 bottles of dandelion wine and 9 bottles of lilac wine. HTP makes wonderful labels. Our wine really looks professional. We also bottled the last of the liqueurs. Strawberry liqueur and Peach liqueur. After that we racked the Rhubarb wine and the Rhubarb/Gooseberry wine. We may have to wait to bottle those wines next spring. They're not ready yet. Maybe next month. Stay tuned. We need to get some more bottles. Next month. We need to bottle the month.

I hope it doesn't freeze tonight. I'll deal with the garden tomorrow. Too tired and it's too late now. Besides, it's raining. If I wake up to snow on the ground, I will not be a happy camper. Regardless, the garden is on tomorrow's To Do List. Tonight...I'm just going to drag my body to bed.

Murphyism of the Day

The Bureaucracy Principle

Only a bureaucracy can fight a bureaucracy.

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