Word of the Day
Talibanned-What you are if you picked the side of terrorists.
DD Daughter is on her way back to her base. She and HTP left for the airport at 4 AM. HTP just got back. It was nice to have even the short while that she was here.
We didn't get freezing temperatures last night. My garden got a reprieve. Hopefully the freezing temperatures will hold off for another few weeks yet. I'm not at all sure I'm looking forward to making green tomato relish and green tomato pickles. One does what one must.
I need to start thinking of tackling the final processes in making Limoncello and the other schnapps brews in the basement. I also need to bottle the rhubarb wines and re-bottle the other wines. I guess I'll have to go visit the specialty shop in the city to pick up bottling supplies. I'm hoping HTP will design some labels for me. Let's see....I need labels for Lilac Wine, Dandelion Wine, Rhubarb Wine, Rhubarb/Gooseberry Wine, Blackberry Liqueur, Strawberry Liqueur, Pineapple Liqueur, Mango Liqueur, Peach Liqueur, Viola Liqueur, and Limoncello. Oh...and I need some more Green Bean labels and some more labels for my canned tomatoes and some relish labels and some dill pickle labels and some green tomato pickle labels and some Italian green tomato/eggplant pickle labels. Oh my! That's a lot of labels!
Murphyism of the Day
Mullin's Observation
Indecision is the key to flexibility.
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