Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Word of the Day

Teleplegic - Unable to read your mind, especially when dealing with a boss or spouse.

I feel oddly vindicated. When I got up this morning, I made a point in checking the outside temperature. The thermometer read 31°F. It froze last night. My gamble paid off. Though I would have loved to have my garden produce for another few weeks, the weather guy was right this time. Now...all I have to do today is get busy making those green tomato pickles. I may even start a batch of relish but I'm not sure I have all the ingredients that I'll need for that. I think I'd better hold off because I may end up with a few more green tomatoes from my folks.

Murphyism of the Day

Young's Law of Bureaucracy

It is the dead wood that holds up the tree.


Just because it is still standing doesn't mean it's not dead.

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