Word of the Day
Accordionated - Having a strong ability to control and manipulate accordion-like objects such as maps and oriental fans.
Even though I love to cook, there are some things that I just do not have a talent for when it comes to cooking. One of those things is, sad to say, fried or broasted chicken. I LOVE Southern-fried chicken. I don't have the talent for making it. None at all. I LOVE broasted chicken. Again...no talent, no equipment. You need special equipment for broasted chicken. I can buy something that isn't Southern-fried chicken at the store...and it tastes tons better than my worst attempt at making Southern-fried chicken. HTP and I had it for supper last night. 8-pieces for $3.99. Greasy, fattening, not too bad. Edible. Kind of like a combo of Southern-fried and broasted but a huge miss for both. *Sigh* However....I didn't have to attempt making anything like it. When it comes to broasted chicken...I guess I'll just have to wait until I get back to Wisconsin. There's a restaurant twenty miles south of The Lake that serves WONDERFUL broasted chicken. In the meantime, I'll just have to make do with the $3.99 greasy chicken from the store.
Murphyism of the Day
Wright's Law of Quality
Quality is inversely proportional to the time left for completion of the project.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"Sometimes in order to make progress and move ahead, you have to stand up and do the wrong thing." -- Congressman Gary Ackerman (D-New York), explaining why he supported a new welfare bill.
Is that the Corner Bar?
The Corner Bar is good but I was actually talking about Nancy's in Rice Lake.
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