The hunters didn't get ALL the deer last fall. Browsing deer at The Lake. - Picture taken by T-Square February 2009
Word of the Day
Passhole - 1. The person who has been driving slowly for miles but speeds up the minute one tries to get ahead of him. 2. The idiot who drives too slow in the fast lane.
I used all but two of the lemons that my neighbor gave me in my baking marathon yesterday. The sugarfree lemon meringue pies that I made turned out fine. I wasn't too happy with the meringue but...it tastes good. It didn't get as poofy/big as a meringue made with sugar but it worked and tastes great. HTP and I enjoyed a some of the lemon meringue pie last night for dessert. I had a piece of the lemon bread with my coffee this morning at breakfast. Wonderful! My neighbor was thrilled to get the pie and bread that I gave her last night.
I'm spending the day working on my Arancello and Limoncello. It takes LOTS of patience to filter this stuff one time. More patience to filter it the second time...not to mention lots of coffee filters. Oh well, the simple syrup that I made will have plenty of time to cool before I have to mix it into the filtered "cello"s. My kitchen smells like someone spilled a bottle of orange perfume. I wonder if one can get drunk on fumes. I'll need to filter this stuff two more times before the final bottling.
Murphyism of the Day
The Fourteenth Recommended Practice of the Committee of the International Society of Philosophical Engineers' Universal Laws for Naive Engineers
Installation and Operating Installations shipped with the device will be promptly discarded by the Receiving Department.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The Internet is like alcohol in some sense. It accentuates what you would do anyway. If you want to be a loner, you can be more alone. If you want to connect, it makes it easier to connect.
- Esther Dyson
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