You Can't Judge a Book by its Cover
Word of the Day
Osteopornosis - A degenerate disease.
I tried not to watch the Superbowl game yesterday. After watching the first touchdown, I retired to my bedroom to read the fourth and final book for the Paranormal/Time Travel category of the contest. I stopped to watch the Steelers make that 100 yard touchdown...argh...and then returned to my bedroom to read some more. However, like that person who just can't stop themselves from watching the movie Titanic (the boat sank), or that train that's heading down the track toward train wreck, I let myself get my hopes up when the Cardinals pulled ahead during the last moments of the last quarter. *sigh* Oh well...at least the game wasn't a total disaster scene...like Custer's Last Stand (the Indians won). The Cardinals did lose but they made the Steelers work for the win. Still...I'll never know whether or not the Cardinals might have won if I hadn't forced myself to watch those last few seconds of the game. I should have stayed in the bedroom.
Oh well...I did finish reading that last book. I'll start on the next category later today. Maybe. I'm feeling guilty (aside from making the Cardinals lose), because HTP is outside doing yard cleanup...by himself. My back is still recovering from a major spasm that hit on Saturday morning. Do I want to go outside and bend and stoop and rake and bend and stoop and....NO!!!!! However, I'll probably drag myself outside because the work needs doing and I don't want HTP to wreck his back.
Murphyism of the Day
The Puritan Principle
If it feels good, don't do it.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
By a curious confusion, many modern critics have passed from the proposition that a masterpiece may be unpopular to the other proposition that unless it is unpopular it cannot be a masterpiece.
- G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
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