Monk Marathon
Word of the Day
Slavior - The prince of this world, the one who imitates the Savior and promises to save people but instead makes them slaves. Sometimes referred to as the Antichrist.
I'm Alive! With #1 Son here, I didn't take the time to blog. We did LOTS of stuff and stuffed ourselves with LOTS of food. HTP converted my laptop from Vista to Windows 7. We had Thanksgiving dinner here and our niece joined us. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! After dinner we introduced our niece to The Big Bang Theory. She'd never seen it and it seemed very appropriate since she works as a waitress at The Cheesecake Factory here in Arizona. She loved it.
While we had #1 Son here, we took him out to eat for sushi, Indian food, and Mexican food. At home we ate and ate and ate. French dip, turkey and all the fixings, prime rib and all the fixings. I have LOTS of leftovers which I need to freeze because there's no way HTP and I should eat all this food, especially since it looks like HTP and I are going to join the couch potato crowd.
On Saturday, we bought ourselves an early Christmas present A brand new TV. A big TV. HDTV. #1 Son helped HTP and me move our old TV (REALLY HEAVY AND AWKWARD TO LIFT AND MOVE) into the guest room to use as a guest TV and then he helped us lift the new (much lighter) television into our living room entertainment center. It only just fits. But, HTP had already done all the research and size was an issue. He knew it would fit.
This wasn't a spur of the moment purchase. The decision was already made. HTP had done all the research. As a matter of fact, we'd actually purchased this model of TV online but when it was delivered last week, the box was so badly mangled that HTP and I refused to sign for it and the TV was shipped back to the distributor. We were supposed to get another one later this week but we were told that the TV was on back-order. Disappointment. However, this only shows that sometimes a bad thing can turn out to be the best thing. Saturday morning, HTP saw (online) that one of our local electronics stores had the same TV on sale (one day only sale) for even less then the smoking deal we thought we were getting online. Then, when we got to the store, the sales person threw in a free Blue-ray DVD player? Wow! Needless to say, we canceled the online order...after we made sure that we had our bird in hand which cost LOTS less than the back-ordered bird in the bush (online).
The new TV almost hurts my eyes to watch it. I'm reminded of the time I first got glasses and finally got to see how sharp all the edges of everything looked. Weird! It also reminds me of how my Grandma used to turn the color off on her TV because she preferred to watch TV in black and white. Technology sure has come a long way since the days of black and white TV. I watched lots of TV last night and stayed up far later than I normally do and I kept thinking, "Wow! You can see the tiny individual hairs on that bad guys chin! And that actress needs to get a hair cut!" It was fascinating and...a bit distracting...but...kind of cool. There's a Monk marathon today. Guess who's going to park herself in front of the new TV today? I'll be sure to tape a nice shiny red bow to the new TV which HTP and I plan to enjoy...even though it's not Christmas as yet.
#1 Son headed back to his home in the big city last night and was greeted with snow. Plus, he'd forgotten his cell phone in our car. *moan* We can't even do anything about getting it back to him until tomorrow morning. But, thankfully, #1 Son already figured something out so all we have to do is box up his phone, print out the label he e-mailed us and hand it over to the UPS guys. It's nice not to have to worry about it anymore...other than figuring out what box to use.
Random Thought of the Day
Change is inevitable, except from vending machines.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784),