Word of the Day
Skiffy - A somewhat less derogatory way of referring to someone who the mainstream would refer to as a "sci-fi geek."
I've always thought that shopping was a bit like the sport of hunting. My Mom excels at the sport. Her shopping strategies rival that of world class chess players...or, dare I say, many a military strategist. She has been known to exhaust both my sister and me during any one of her many shopping campaigns. Sis and I have no stamina (we're wimps) when when it comes to shopping if you compare us with our Mom. Me...well...I check the ads, clip my coupons, and figure in the cost of gas while I'm doing my shopping/hunting. After perusing the grocery ads that came with our Wednesday paper, I plotted my route and decided upon two targets for today's shopping expedition. My first stop netted a free turkey. Of course, I needed to spend $100 to get that free turkey but with the price of groceries these days $100 doesn't buy as much as you'd think. By the time I bought all my "fixin's" to make a Thanksgiving dinner, I'd spent just enough to get my free turkey...which I put in my freezer because the free turkey was could only be fifteen pounds and I'd already bought a 23# turkey to serve for my Thanksgiving dinner...but...that's beside the point. I got a free turkey. Plus, the friendly cashier informed me that I'd saved $65 dollars as she handed me my cash register receipt. Score! On to the next hunting spot. My next target was another grocery store on my way back home. What?! $100 didn't cover the cost of an entire turkey dinner. Well...yes, but, #1 Son is coming and I'll need to buy enough groceries to last while he's here. Besides, they ran out of the traditional size marshmallows at my first stop and I knew that I'd be able to buy bread flour for a lot cheaper at my next stop. Then...I stumbled upon some 97% lean ground beef (butcher's special) and a nice roast that will cook up into a couple of nice meals. Roast beef and then French Dip. Score! I still plan another grocery shopping expedition after #1 Son gets here...$6.99/lb. for king crab legs and $5.77/lb. for standing rib roast but I'll wait until I see the whites of my son's eyes and figure out if those particular bargains sound tempting or not. I've got time.
Random Thought of the Day
The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Sow good services; sweet remembrances will grow them.
- Madame de Stael (1766 - 1817)
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