My Mom and Sandy
Thanks Sis for taking the photo. I'm told that T-Square and my Mom have decided to call their new puppy, Sandy...not Annie. However, since Orphan Annie's dog was named Sandy, the new name seems oddly fitting.
Word of the Day
Signoramus - Someone who drives along in their car unaware that their signal light is flashing. Similarly, one who is ignorant to signals from potential love interests.
With the laundry done, I can't figure out another excuse for not blogging. *sigh* Of course, one excuse might be that I don't have anything of interest to blog about....which is too true. However, I need to get back into the habit of blogging and stay the heck away from Facebook. I've been spending entirely too much time working on my farm in FarmVille and trying to beat my own time at BeJeweled Blitz. *argh* I'm finding myself rushing around doing mundane tasks around the house...all due to the hyper-activity necessary to reach a decent score in BeJeweled Blitz. Right now I'm finding myself typing faster than I really need to type about absolutely nothing worth typing about.
HTP and I missed our favorite show last night. Big Bang Theory. A friend of ours called. She had a death in her family. Her computer died. She called me and begged for HTP's help. Unfortunately, by the time we got to her house, there wasn't much HTP could do. The patient remained in a comatose state despite all HTP's efforts. The diagnosis was that her hard-drive was bad or... HTP wasn't willing to operate...just in case he should accidentally cause further harm. Do no harm. Anyway, HTP recommended that the computer be brought into Data Doctor for further testing. Our friend, unfortunately, had the equipment to back up all the data on her computer but...she never got around to actually using that equipment. We're all hoping that her data can still be retrieved...surgically.
Tonight? Our friends, the ones with the comatose computer, are coming over after supper to discuss and explore the possibilities of buying a new compute...with HTP's guidance. HTP pointed out that it might be cheaper to buy a whole new computer than just replacing a hard-drive on an old computer.
Random Thought of the Day
Have you ever noticed how many people never think about backing up the data on their computer until after they've had their hard-drive crash?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
You can't choose the ways in which you'll be tested.
- Robert J. Sawyer (1960 - )
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