Word of the Day
Siftware - A multitude of programs found on a magazine cover disk, often found to be completely useless.
You'll be happy to hear that the Casablanca fan in our living room is now fully functional. I have no idea why the intelli-touch computer board inside the main fan unit failed but...I sure hope it doesn't ever fail again. HTP and I make a good team but standing on top of ladders on our tippy toes isn't one of our favorite activities.
After racking my final batch of pomegranate wine yesterday, I'm pleased to say that I won't be needing to mess with any of the wine until the end of the month...or maybe the beginning of next month.
Breaking News! Sis tells me that my folks have adopted a puppy. I saw a picture of her and she looks really cute. I think they're going to call her Annie...due to her curly red/blond hair. She's a purebred Cockapoo. I imagine she gets her curly hair from the poodle half of her pedigree.
The music director from our church dropped my music off for next Sunday. I was assured that nothing in the music will be in the least challenging. Thank goodness! I haven't even blown the dust off of my clarinet all summer. However, I do plan to run through all the music before arriving at church on Sunday morning.
Random Thought of the Day
99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
To punish me for my contempt for authority, fate made me an authority myself.
- Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)
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