Sunday, June 29, 2014
Word of the Day
Kabomb - Anything that makes a kaboom sound of varying intensity.
Woodtick Count - 7
I've been fighting panic attacks all day...heck for the last week or so. *sigh* Hate this. I probably should have plugged in one of my Walk Away DVD's and sweated copious amounts of fluids but...I just couldn't. Maybe tomorrow. I'm taking a "ME" day. I planned to take a "ME" day yesterday but "Whack-a-Mole" events cropped up. Who was it that said, "It's not paranoia if they're really after you."? BW Babe called last night to invite me to join her and her hubby and their company for dinner. I was right in the middle of "Whacking a Mole", so I told her that I couldn't make it. Apparently, my "Whack-a-Mole" reference flew right over her head and she thought I was busily playing some Internet game. After completing my mission, faster than I'd thought possible, I called her back and asked if the invitation was still open. I drove over and had a wonderful meal AND explained all about the "game" of "Whack-a-Mole". *sigh* The "game" of my life right now.
I haven't heard from DD Daughter so I don't know how she's doing. She and Ms. En and Mr. T are supposed to drive up here on July 3rd. I'm not sure if that's going to happen or not. Then, Sarge called this morning because their only car needed even more repairs than anticipated so I arranged to pay for the part they needed. "Whack-a-Mole" I think I've got that sucker killed. Sarge, D Buddy, Tammy and Little Jon plan to arrive on....July 3rd. HTP managed to fix his "Whack-a-Mole" moment yesterday. He lost his credit card and needed to get it replaced. Done and did. However, that meant, I did NOT have a credit card to make emergency purchases. However, he called to give me the new number. "Whack-a-Mole"! HTP will be flying to The Big City on...July 3rd. #1 Son and #1 DIL will be picking him up at the airport to bring him up to The Lake.
I've been going a bit crazy getting everything ready for the incoming invasion. I've got a mile long grocery list. I ordered TWO birthday cakes for my parents' 90th birthday celebration which need to be picked up on July 4th. The celebration will be on July 4th. I'm planning on steaks on the grill. Hot dogs for the kids. Potato salad? Salad. Plus, HTP reminded me that I've got to have enough food to feed EVERYONE while they're all here.
OK...after writing all of the above and looking down at a floor that needs vacuuming...again...and knowing that I need to clean up the kitchen...again...and seeing how long my shopping list has become....again.... Maybe I have an excuse for the panic attacks that I'm experiencing. Hate this. This is my family. My main fear is that something bad will happen that I can't do anything about...again.
After over an inch of rain last night, I spend some time letting "IT" bail out my rowboat and bilging the big boat. "IT" won the race. However, since I didn't bilge the boat after our last rain and "IT" bailed out the rowboat after that one....I think it was a tie. "IT" did a great job, especially after I attached additional hose so I don't have to hold to shorter hose that "IT" came with. I can just set it into the bow of the boat and do whatever I want until "IT" has completed the job. LOVE IT! No more sore elbow problems. There was a LOT of water that had collected in the boat from the mere "inch" of rain that my gauges reported. I have my doubts that the gauges are reporting the accurate amount of rainfall.
I've spent the rest of my day....reading. I love to read. There's nothing that distracts the mind from panic attacks better than a good book. There's no point in vacuuming until Thursday morning. Garbage goes out on Tuesday but...
I'm driving BW Babe and her husband JC into The City on Tuesday. Scary stuff. JC is having major open heart surgery this week. REALLY scary stuff. Yes...panic attacks are definitely warranted. But, knowing the why doesn't make them go away.
It's the little things that make me, last weekend when #1 DIL told me that one of the roofers warned her and #1 Son about the snake he saw near the driveway because maybe the "kids" I'd told him were coming to visit for the weekend might be scared of them. #1 DIL told him, "We are the kids." I just thought about that because as I was walking down the steps from our deck to go sit on the dock for a bit to let the wind blow away some of this sticky panic, I saw TWO rather large snakes at the foot of the steps. Kylee was totally disturbed, not knowing what to do about them. She REALLY didn't like their smell and after I called her away, she was foaming a bit at the mouth. Why can't I ever have my camera when things like this happen? Then, as we neared the dock....there was another snake! I've seen more snakes this year than I've ever seen. Nope...not scared of snakes...never have been. However, I AM a bit more cautious around rattle snakes. Really, snakes aren't a problem out here at The Lake. If you research it, THERE ARE NO POISONOUS SNAKES HERE AT THE LAKE, despite what BW Babe would try to tell you. There really aren't, even though there are some in the southern parts of the state. I am more cautious when I'm back in Arizona where there ARE poisonous snakes. LOTS of them.
Random Quote of the Day
I didn't really say everything I said.
- Yogi Berra (1925 - )
Friday, June 27, 2014
Word of the Day
Ideality - Frequently the opposite to reality. A dimension only spoken of in textbooks and lectures, and yet, while greatly desired, never seems to be the case.
Woodtick Count - 7
I did put 45 minutes into some aerobic exercise today. Finally. Only three miles's been a while. The plans today were for me to drive into the city to be with my folks. The senior living apartments where they are living is celebrating their 10th anniversary but.... Whack-a-mole. Sarge called to say that they might need a bit of financial help in getting up here to The Lake this summer. Nothing major but, I had to be here so I could be in touch. Then, HTP called to say that he lost his credit card and he had to call them to cancel the card and get a new one. ACK! I use that card on a regular basis! I've got pending pre-orders on my Amazon account on that card. Plus, HTP wanted me to arrange to return an automotive order that will be arriving at our Arizona house I'm not at all sure that I can arrange to have that order returned now. By the time I managed to whack all the moles, it was well past the time that I would be able to drive into the city to join my folks at their place. *sigh* Oh well...Sarge, D Buddy, and the grandkids will be coming to The Lake (knock on wood), on July 3rd.
I've already mentioned that I plan to host a 90th birthday celebration for BOTH Ma and T-Square. Events have been delighted in throwing roadblocks and obstacles into the path of my planning. I AM NOT A PARTY PLANNER! I should have called my Uncle to have them come. I should have called ALL my cousins instead of just some. However, this is going to have to be a small celebration. Sis' hubby will be in the hospital...hopefully in good health and recovering after heart surgery. My brother? I still don't know if he'll be here or not. Heck! Even though DD Daughter says that she and her kidlets will be here...I have no idea if the chit that hit her fan won't cause problems so that they won't be able to come. I hadn't planned on doing this all on my own. *whimper*
It seems that the rain that has threatened and retreated all day has finally arrived. I'm hearing thunder. The weekend jet-skiers have been silenced. The guys that mows my lawn called earlier today to tell me that his flower gardens were added to an area flower garden show. They wanted him to label his flowers. Hysterical laughter....he plants his flowers by design...not by name. He wanted to know if I had a flower book. I have one but it's in Arizona. Here? I know what flowers I have in my gardens...but not by their Latin names. I advised him to check out the high school library in town...failing that...the library in the city. I really felt bad because I have LOTS of flower books in Arizona...but not here. I "think" there might be some at my folks' place here at The Lake but...I didn't want to offer something that wasn't mine.
Random Quote of the Day
It is pretty hard to tell what does bring happiness; poverty and wealth have both failed.
- Kin Hubbard (1868 - 1930)
Thursday, June 26, 2014
View of the New Roof from the Ridge |
Word of the Day
Haluv - To love and hate at the same time.
The roofers returned with the big truck this morning at 7 AM and ripped off the last of the old shingles and re-shingled the last three sections of my roof. They were done by 1 PM. Yeah! Well...almost yeah. Apparently, although it "looks" like they're done, they still need to put the ridge vents along a few of the peaks. He ran out of the roof venting material and had to order it. However, once that comes, he can finish up really quickly. They packed up all their gear and all the debris and drove away. Blessed quiet! I've got some cleaning up to do outside, adjusting solar lights, maybe buying some decorative mulch to spread in the front but...all the big stuff is done and my life is, once again, my own....well...almost.
I drove to the city this morning to join T-Square for an hour of yoga. More errands in the city were accomplished. And just now, it looks like I'll be driving to the city again tomorrow. The assisted living apartment complex where my folks are living is having big doings tomorrow from 1 PM to 4 PM. It's their 10th anniversary out there.
The guy that mows my lawn came, now that the roofers are all gone, and mowed the lawn. It NEEDED it. We've had a lot of rain this summer so far and the grass is LOVING it. After he finished, I went out and sprayed all the patches of poison ivy that I've been seeing with poison ivy killer. I'm hoping that it doesn't rain now. I'm not sensitive to poison ivy...well...I'm not going to go out and roll in the stuff...but I don't want wandering grandchildren to test their own immunity to the stuff. Sadly, the poison ivy is doing quite well this summer. I've never seen so much of it out here before. I'll have to be more diligent about spraying it or drowning it with salt water.
USPS brought my new dish clothes to me...well...they left them in my green mailbox out at the road. They need to be washed before I can use them. FedEx brought my new drawer divider that I bought online. My other one broke. I'd always fought with my old one so all my stainless steel dinnerware along with my serving pieces would fit. This new one is a LOT better made and, JOY, everything fits. I re-cycled the old divider, discarding the part that had broken, and am using it to hold plastic-ware, wooden skewers, chopsticks and my some silver-plate serving pieces. As I was re-organizing two of my drawers in the kitchen with the old drawer divider AND the new drawer divider, it dawned on me that I had plenty of room in the knife (sharps) drawer to store my steak knives...and so mote it be.
I left my kefir milk on the counter too long...I was just too tired to deal with it, I drained the grains, discarding the "milk" and started again. After that, I added flavors to the kefir cheese (kefir-leban). This time, I took half of the batch and mixed it with curry powder. I mixed chopped up "craisins" with the rest of the kefir cheese. Do I need to mention that I ALWAYS add fresh ground sea salt to the kefir cheese? I didn't mix the two half batches together but I put them, side by side, in a tub. I won't know until the flavors blend how this new experimental flavor(s) will turn out. The kefir cheese that I made with the curry on half and the dried apricot on the other half turned out really nice but...if I do that one again, I'd add more chopped apricots. However, I'm told that as right now, everyone's BEST favorite is the one I made with chives, sun-dried tomatoes, and basil....equal to the one with ramp greens, sun-dried tomatoes and basil. I'm conflicted. I really loved the one with lemon zest and basil. It got a really good review but... I may try that one again but add more basil. The lemon zest overwhelmed the flavor of the basil.
It's Big Bang Theory night. I know that it's going to be a re-run but I'm looking forward to watching a re-run in front of the TV while eating the two slices of pizza that I'm allowing myself along with a glass or two of wine. I'd go down to the dock and do some fishing but I noted while spraying weedkiller on the poison ivy that the mosquitoes are HORRIBLE today.
Random Quote of the Day
Before you begin a thing, remind yourself that difficulties and delays quite impossible to foresee are ahead. If you could see them clearly, naturally you could do a great deal to get rid of them but you can't. You can only see one thing clearly and that is your goal. Form a mental vision of that and cling to it through thick and thin.
- Kathleen Norris
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
![]() |
My New Toy |
Word of the Day
Grippage - The measure of an object's grip.
Woodtick Count - 7
Roofing Project - Day 6 started at 7 AM.....and ended at 10 AM. They finished the portion of my roof by the side of the garage. After that, the huge truck where they were storing the old shingles and debris, departed...and so did everyone else. That's OK. It's been nice to enjoy the quiet for a while. They'll be back tomorrow, weather permitting. I climbed up to the ridge to take some pictures. The roofers are almost done. Dare I hope?
I got a canned call from the garbage company. Although I diligently drove my garbage up to the road yesterday and left it sitting at the side of the road for today's collection, I was told that they were sorry but my garbage wouldn't be collected until tomorrow morning. OK. This was a good excuse to clean out the fridge and dispose of questionable produce, etc. When I had completed my task, I ended up with one more bag of garbage. After the roofers left, I loaded it up into the car and headed up the road. Thankfully, my garbage can was still remaining upright. No bears or raccoons had tossed it. I added the additional bag of garbage to the container and then continued on into town.
I've been avoiding going into town to check the mail because since they're doing a major sewer and waterline repair, my route into town takes over twice as long. A five minute trip by car, now takes at least 15 minutes. In the grand scheme of things, that's no such a big deal tasks me. However, mail needs checking. My box was FULL. I need to get over it and go in to check more often.
The UPS man came and brought me a toy today. I was so excited! I ordered a battery-powered device that claims to suck liquid from one place and dispose of it in another place. In my case, I'm getting awfully tired of using bucket, sponge and hand-pump to remove rain water from my rowboat. I raced right down to the dock with my new toy and....IT WORKS!!!!! YEAH!!!!! All I had to do was sit there and hold the hose while it did all the work. I may extend the hose or devise something to hold the hose over the edge of the boat so I don't have to hold it but...I'll think of something. The main thing is that IT worked. I think I'll call my new toy, "IT".
Random Quote of the Day
A vigorous five-mile walk will do more good for an unhappy but otherwise healthy adult than all the medicine and psychology in the world.
- Paul Dudley White
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Roofing Project - Day 6 |
Word of the Day
Fluggling - The dangerous practice, in a darkened room, of using one's finger to guide the end of an electrical plug into a wall socket.
Woodtick Count - 7
The roofers arrived at around 7 AM. I backed out my car before they got here, freeing it from the craziness so I could take the garbage out and so I could go yoga with T-Square. I also started a load of laundry. The garbage has been driven to the main road and I've yoga's with my T-Square. They still almost trapped me. I brought Ma a nice bouquet of peonies. She brought it out to share with their fellow residents at the front desk. After yoga, she told me that several of the residents were complimenting the bouquet. I'll have to bring more on Thursday when I go visit them. After my visit, I went shopping and was thrilled to find an abundant supply of fuel for my Thermocell lanterns at Walmart. The lanterns that keep the mosquitoes under control on my upstairs deck. My suppliers online had failed me. I also added to my Bug-Zapper swatter inventory. My guests seem to love them. I love them. Now, three of us can swat at the wasps and KILL THEM!
I returned home at around 1 PM to find my roofers, busily finishing up for the day. *wince* The youngest roofer asked to use my bathroom. I've got a candle burning to help get rid of the odor. Yuck!
A storm has rolled in. I was "thinking" about going out fishing. I even purchased some interesting bait. Ain't happening. However, the severe thunderstorm warning has expired and we're just getting rain. I was a bit concerned about hail but we dodged that bullet. The new shingles are supposed to have a really high resistance to impact but....I'd just as soon avoid testing it out before they've even finished installing them.
On a side note: I'm watching a Purple Finch at my feeder. He looks a lot like my the House Finches that I see in Arizona. Nice.
Random Quote of the Day
You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war.
- Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955), (attributed)
Monday, June 23, 2014
Got My TV Dish Adjusted |
Word of the Day
E-touch - A method of staying in contact with friends by e-mail or other electronic devices.
Woodtick Count - 7
The roofers arrived at 7 AM and left before 2 PM. It's supposed to rain tomorrow but I'm told that they "think" that the rain will hold off until the afternoon...after they've left. In the meantime, I spent another day without any real, organized exercise. Instead, I took Kylee up the road to check the mail (power-walking). Hey! It's something. I also stripped and re-made beds. Mine and the one in the guest room. I'll be washing clothes tomorrow but I figured I'd get the big stuff like the sheets and towels washed so the guest rooms are all set for the next time they're needed.
The DirecTV guy showed up at around 5:30 PM last night. He climbed up on the roof and adjusted and re-calibrated the dish. Then, he discovered that our receivers were antiquated...three generations since ours were purchased. The one in our bedroom still works but the one in the living room...the one that has been giving me fits since last summer...decided to show someone else how stubborn it has become. He gave us a new box for the living room, no charge. Joy! However, HTP isn't so thrilled. He wants #1 Son to switch it out with the one in the bedroom, next time he gets up here. I'm thinking HTP will be here around the same time as #1 Son so, he may end up doing it himself.
I was so tired last night that I did something that I normally don't do. I fell asleep in the recliner while watching TV. I woke up a little after midnight, totally confused. I knew I'd been feeling overly tired out!
Random Quote of the Day
If you can solve your problem, then what is the need of worrying? If you cannot solve it, then what is the use of worrying?
- Shantideva
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Peonies and Faux Indigo |
Word of the Day
Dallywaddle - To take an excessively long time, especially involving motion on foot; to dilly-dally in going somewhere; to drag one's feet.
Woodtick Count - 7
#1 Son and #1 DIL packed up and hit the road almost as soon as they got up this morning...well...they did eat a small breakfast, splitting a bagel spread with some of my Kefir cheese. I had most of a bagel too. It was yummy. I also had #1 Son carry two wine kits into my bedroom for storage. I plan to take one of them back to Arizona with me this fall. The other one, I'll save and use next summer.
It's been really quiet here. I did dress in workout clothes but finally surrendered to total laziness and changed back into regular clothes. I'm waiting for the repair person that is coming to fix the DirecTV dish up on my roof. I can't even get a meager signal today. He...or supposed to come between 4 PM and 8 PM. I figure that whoever comes will arrive about the same time as the rain. Oh's just a small line of rain and storms that should pass through quickly. I still can't believe that they're sending someone out on a Sunday but...
I started my new wine kit...the one with the grape skins. This should be interesting. For the next week, I have to stir the wine skins that I put in the special bag, provided, gently in the bucket with the juice and the yeast. I have to do this every day. It's an Eclipse Cabernet Sauvignon. I can already see that it's going to be a bit of a messy project. I also started a white wine kit (Vintner's Coastal White), one that #1 Son and #1 DIL gave me last summer. #1 DIL brought me some fresh yeast to use in it, since the yeast that came with the kit was outdated. We'll see how well it works. It's a liquid yeast. Interesting. Sadly, the kits the kids gave me didn't include labels. Thankfully, I was able to order labels for this particular wine online. No real hurry. The wine won't be ready for bottling for a while...a long while.
My peonies are starting to bloom. I picked some to put in a vase. They tend to get majorly damaged outside when it rains so I might as well pick them and enjoy them while I can. I made up a preservative solution which I found online. I may not have TV but I do have Internet. It calls for one quart warm water, 2 TBSP of sugar, 2 TBSP of vinegar, and 1/2 tsp. of bleach. All these years I thought that flowers needed cold water with the preservative but it turns out that the solution travels up the stem better if it's warm. I also ordered some preservative online which will come in a day or so. However, in the meantime, I thought I'd experiment with what I have on hand.
It turns out that I can watch my Amazon Prime free TV using the Wii. I've already watched to shows but...I'm getting a bit bored with TV. I've got books to read.
Random Quote of the Day
Procrastination isn't the problem, it's the solution. So procrastinate now, don't put it off.
- Ellen DeGeneres
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Giant Puffballs |
Word of the Day
Dallywaddle - To take an excessively long time, especially involving motion on foot; to dilly-dally in going somewhere; to drag one's feet.
Woodtick Count - 7
Roofing Project, Day 4, started at 7 AM. #1 Son and #1 DIL didn't rise from the basement until after 10 AM. I'm amazed that all the noise didn't wake them but...hey, it's all good. Roofing progresses DirecTV is toast at this point. The roofers re-installed my dish but... I called DirecTV and they're sending someone out tomorrow after 4 PM to fix things. I'm crossing my fingers. Meanwhile, I've got a few channels that are working. #1 Son tweaked things a bit so we could draw in a few more channels.
When #1 Son and #1 DIL finally did get up this morning, they headed out to get fishing licenses, made themselves some sandwiches for lunch, and then headed out to go fishing. They caught six bluegill (all male...hey...I cleaned them so I KNOW) and now, they're back out fishing now that the sun isn't so hot.
My roofers cleaned up their debris...and I cleaned up what they didn't...and told me that they'd be back on Monday. Maybe. I checked the forecast and it looks like a 60% chance of rain. Oh well...I'll see them if I see them.
I've got steak thawing out for dinner and I cooked up two more giant puffballs that showed up this morning off the side of my driveway. Steak and mushrooms for dinner tonight with a side salad. Can't beat that.
Random Thought of the Day
Time sneaks up on you like a windshield on a bug.
- John Lithgow
Friday, June 20, 2014
I've Got My Deck Back |
Word of the Day
Camruck - A rare moment that occurs when one's camera batteries die before they can take a picture. Often used interjectorily.
Woodtick Count - 7
I finally figured out why I've been having problems with my clock radio and the radio over the TV set in the bedroom. Apparently, someone...probably me....plugged them into a switchable wall outlet. Every time I hit the wall switch...purely by accident...I was shutting off power to the clocks and then everything had to be re-set. At 3 AM, I couldn't take the blinking clock across the room anymore. And, for some reason, I couldn't find the directions for my clock radio by the bed. So, I'm powering up my computer to find directions and was happy to find a video of someone setting their Mom's clock model. I wrote down the directions so, hopefully, next time, I'll remember how to set the dang thing. It's no intuitive and, we do lose power a lot out here. Needless to say, I didn't sleep well last night.
The roofers were back this morning at 7 AM. Since I was moving a bit slow this morning, I barely got Kylee outside and fed before they got here. Plus, even though I was dressed for aerobic exercise...I didn't get to it until after the roofers left at around 1:30 PM. It's not easy to do aerobic exercise when the heat of the day has gathered. Oh well, I put in 45 minutes and it was sweat, sweat, sweat. On the plus side, the roofers are done with the areas of the roof that were effecting my back deck. I was able to move everything back to where it was supposed to go and out of my living room. I'm looking forward to sitting a bit outside later...when it cools off a bit.
#1 Son and #1 DIL are coming later tonight. #1 Son told me that they plan to pick up some frozen raviolis at La Bona Casa for dinner. That's sounds wonderful. I offered to make a nice salad...and...of course, I've got the sauce.
Random Quote of the Day
The majority of people perform well in a crisis and when the spotlight is on them; it's on the Sunday afternoons of this life, when the nobody is looking, that the spirit falters.
- Alan Bennett
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Word of the Day
Bactor - A bad actor.
I was going to drive into the city for some yoga with T-Square this morning but...rain...lots of rain and the resultant squashing of my ability to DO anything. I ended up calling my folks and letting them know that I couldn't come but...I still awarded myself with an hour of yoga...on my own. Again, thank goodness my yoga instructor allowed me to digitally record eleven sessions of yoga. I really needed my hour this morning and after talking to DD Daughter today...I probably could use another couple hours. No...I won't go into it but...I haven't had the best of days today and I wish crap didn't just keep hitting the fan.
On another subject, no roofing was done today. However, Birchwood Babe called to let me know that we may end up with another 3 inches of rain over night. Crap! I already bilged the boat for over an hour last night when I discovered that there was over an inch of rain above the decking in the big boat. No...that wasn't enough time. Tonight, I finished bilging...another 30 minutes. She's "dry" and I reinforced the mooring ropes...just in case.
#1 Son and #1 DIL are coming tomorrow night. I washed all the sheets and towels and I'm ready for them. I figure #1 Son will show me how to plug the big boat in so I can bilge to my heart's content or how to run the boat so the batteries recharge. In the meantime, the boat has been bilged and the rowboat has been bailed. Hopefully, Birchwood Babe is wrong about the weather.
I took Kylee into the city today for grooming. After dropping her off, I had to run home to do some DD Daugher/Lawyer stuff. I told you that it hasn't been one of my bestest days. After I got back to the city, after dealing with lawyer stuff a second time, I went shopping at Walmart and then the new grocery store. Then? More issues which I won't go into but...yes, it was awful and yes, it's one of those situations that crack the heart and cause sleepless nights. Sometimes you just want to call someone and ask them to talk to you...just to talk so you can stay sane...because sometimes you do everything that you can do and...that's all you can do. Why worry...stay happy? As HTP would tell me...if you've done all that you can, there's no point in worrying about it. Today, I did everything I could, along with sending prayers to God and trying to send comforting and supportive words to DD Daughter. May God grant that I sent/provided the right words.
I went shopping today but, somehow, with all that went on today, I'm not hungry for the sushi that I bought at the new grocery store. Maybe tomorrow. At least I filled the gas tank on my Acadia and Kylee has been groomed. There's only so much one can do.
Random Quote of the Day
That's the funny thing about havin' a kid. They come with their own set of problems; make everything else you were worried about seem kinda silly.
-Greg Garcia, Raising Hope, Dead Tooth, 09-28-10
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Mrs. Snapping Turtle |
Word of the Day
Bifocalitis - A condition that afflicts wearers of bifocals that causes them to think they are reading a line of text or row of data straight across, when in actuality they are seeing a different line or row or a combination of different lines or rows. This often results in a mismatch between intent, information, and/or action.
Woodtick Count - 7
Not a smidge of roofing was done today. It rained for most of the morning and I figure the guys just decided it wasn't worth the effort to come out for the rest of the day. Tomorrow? I'm thinking that will end up being a repeat of today. It is quiet but I wish they hadn't trapped my rocking chairs out on the deck with all their supplies. I'd sit out on the dock but the rain has increased the mosquito population. I may just move a couple things around so I can sit outside tonight for a bit...until the mosquitoes find me.
I let Kylee outside this leash...and promptly called her back in. She came but was a bit bewildered about why I'd called her back so fast. After seeing our morning visitor, I snapped a leash on Kylee and took her out that way. You don't want to mess with a Mommy Snapping Turtle. She has since made her way back into the lake but I'll have to be on the lookout for a while. Sometimes dogs just don't understand that they need to keep their snoopy noses to themselves. I would hate to have to pry Kylee's muzzle from the jaws of an angry snapping turtle.
I did get in an hour of aerobic exercise this morning. Tomorrow, I'll head to the city to enjoy an hour of yoga with T-Square before taking Kylee to the groomer's.
Random Quote of the Day
Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.
- Ronald Reagan (1911 - 2004)
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
My View as I was Attempting to Head to Town Today |
Word of the Day
AlGoreickly - The privilege of allowing people to listen to oneself, even if they don't know what one is talking about.
The roofers arrived at 7 AM...which is totally OK because I got up before 6 AM. Kill me Now! Yes, I get up, no matter how late I end up going to bed, at 6 AM. I wake up sooner. It's so sad.
I gathered the garbage that I needed to transport to the main road and was told to move my car out of the garage and out of the way. Regardless, I found myself facing the rear end of a dump truck as it attempted to back down my driveway. Thankfully, the person who was controlling said dump truck saw me and backed into the logging road (off our driveway), thus, allowing me to continue on without having to personally back up.
I took my folks to their doctor appointment. My Mom is 30 years older than Dad is 29 years older than me. One day, I pray that my children don't kill me when they accompany me to my own future doctor appointments. *sigh* It is what it is. I'm the fluffy middle of an Oreo cookie these days. Thank God! I appreciate every second that I have with my parents...even if they can drive me a bit crazy and sad at times.
The roofers didn't get too far, percentage-wise today, was a start. I expect that I'll see them again tomorrow but...this time, I can stay to keep on eye on things. I expect, weather permitting, that my roof will be re-shingled by the end of the week, and I pray that the original estimate for the number of "squares" that I needed for my roof will have been accurate. I suspect that our roofer under-estimated the amount of labor that my roofing project entailed.
Random Quote of the Day
Permanent weight loss doesn’t come with an on and off switch. It is not something you do for a little while and think it is going to change your body.
- Jennifer Hudson, I Got This: How I Changed My Ways and Lost What Weighed Me Down, 2012
Monday, June 16, 2014
Celebration of a Life Well-lived |
Gathering of Family |
A Tribute to Mr. Smoothie |
![]() |
T-Square and Mr. Smoothie |
Word of the Day
Beer thirty - Any time on the half hour that one decides to open and drink a beer.
The weekend was spent in celebration of my uncle who passed away earlier this year. He spent most of his life here in Wisconsin and, as a teacher, contributed much to the lives he touched. Ever with a ready smile and chuckle, he was the best teacher I've ever known. His youngest daughter related that he was teaching right up to the end of his life when the hospice nurse asked if it was OK if she could have a young student in the hospice program come in to observe.
My uncle wanted his memorial celebration to be a happy tears. He wanted a barbershop quartet (he did love to listen to a good barbershop quartet) and NO sad music. He wanted an ice cream social because he really loved his ice cream...and cupcakes because he never missed an opportunity to enjoy both. His children made the celebration happen as he envisioned it, from start to finish. And I know that he was watching, smiling and laughing along with us when my father stood up and told funny stories about growing up with his older brother.
The weekend was a gathering of relatives and friends who hadn't seen each other in way too long. I hadn't seen some of my cousins since I was in high school. There never seemed to be any opportunities. I hope we make opportunities to gather more often in the future.
Sunday was Father's Day. We celebrated it at my uncle's favorite restaurant where he was known as "Mr. Smoothie" because he always ordered his favorite...a fruit smoothie. It was really hard to say goodbye to everyone when we had to return to our own separate homes once again.
I was tired after driving more than four hours coming home but I was blessed with good companions. Ma and T-Square. We enjoyed a second Father's Day meal at Perkins on the way home where T-Square got to enjoy a piece of French Silk pie. My Dad LOVES chocolate. We'll be celebrating Ma's 90th birthday this summer (belated) and T-Square's 90th birthday (early). I plan to spend as much time with both of them as possible.
Roofing - Day 1 |
My roofers didn't show up until almost 9 AM. Apparently, they could only do some prep work today along with getting all the supplies delivered here to the job The Lake. They can't start tearing off the old shingles without the use of their dump truck which broke down on their last job and needs fixing. I was assured that they'd start in earnest tomorrow permitting. Having already seen the forecast for the remainder of this week...I have my doubts. The truck that brought the shingles and supplies...the HUGE truck...backed all the way down my driveway, which, doesn't sound all that big of a deal unless you know my driveway, my 1/2 mile long driveway...dirt driveway. I've got stacks of shingles and shingling supplies sitting on my driveway. I took pictures because I promised HTP that I'd keep careful documentation of this expensive endeavor. I moved my container gardens out of harms way and was promised that the roofers would move whatever else needs moving should the need arise.
So, here I sit. I should be exercising. I'm not. The sun is shining, the only sound I hear is that coming from my wind chimes, the sound of the hummingbirds as they sip at my feeders and the wind through the trees. The roofers are gone and I should be up and doing.
Random Quote of the Day
What is life but a series of inspired follies? The difficulty is to find them to do. Never lose a chance: it doesn't come every day.
- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950), Pygmalion, Act 2
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Sis and The Harpist |
Word of the Day
Obvium - Something that is obvious.
On Tuesday, I had my doctor appointment. Done with my annual physical. Filled with nerves, I stepped on the doctors scale, fully dressed and...YEAH! I'd lost twenty pounds since I saw them last year at around this time. No yelling. My blood work was so-so. My cholesterol was a bit higher than it should have been, considering how much weight I've lost. However, the doctor agreed that I should just up my dosage of Red Yeast Rice instead of starting on Lipitor. My concerns about the difficulty I have getting and staying asleep were dismissed. I'm to take Melatonin and/or Benedryl. However, the skin tabs that have been bothering me under my left arm were summerarily removed with four shots of Novacain (which never works for me) and a sharp scissors. *shudder* Five skin tabs were removed and five little band-aides were applied. Then, since I've reached The Big 60, I ended with another band-aide on my other arm where I received a shingles vaccination. Needless to say, I was a bit sore upon walking out of the doctor's office.
I raced to do some errands in the city and then stopped to visit with my folks before heading on home to finish up last minute details in getting the house ready for visitors. The Harpist and Lord Doug arrived at around 3:30 PM. Sis and her hubby arrived for dinner (steaks on the grill, mushrooms, salad, salt crusted potatoes and rhubarb crisp for dessert). Despite having to use a gluten-free flour, the rhubarb crisp turned out great.
Wednesday was a laid back day...except, the septic tank people came to pump out my tank without calling me first. It's a good thing we were home. The unscheduled visit delayed our pontoon ride by about a half hour but... Sis and her husband picked us up from our dock and took us for a really long pontoon ride. It was quite warm but I'm glad that I wore long sleeves because as it was, I got a bit sun-burnt. We visited Mud Lake. I'd never been back into that part of our chain of lakes. It's very weedy back there. And then we went across our own lake, through the channel, and explored the big lake.
I made chicken and steak tacos for dinner. I think Sis' hubby and Lord Doug loved the margaritas that I made for them. While Sis, The Harpist and I sat out on the deck, enjoying a pre-dinner drink (white wine for The Harpist and Me, NAO beer for Sis), the men took my boat out for a spin. I really appreciated this because I was concerned about the battery after having to bilge two and a half inches of rain from it.
Today has been a bit gloomy. I started the morning with an hour of yoga and then started packing for my trip to my Uncle's memorial celebration this weekend. After breakfast, we've just been chilling out. The weather is cool so I started a nice fire in the fireplace.
I took Kylee for a walk up to the road to check the mail and what to my wondering eyes should appear? A giant puffball. Wow! I brought it on home and cooked it up. The Harpist and Lord Doug tasted some and like it. I'm so glad that I was able to share a bit of The Lake with them. When we walking out the other day on a hunt for wild ramps, we couldn't find any. Plus, the mosquitoes were so thick, it was a pretty unpleasant walk. No wonder they didn't join me for today's walk.
Since I'll be heading out tomorrow morning to pick up my folks for the memorial, I spend some time cleaning out the fridge and prepping leftovers for freezing. I don't want to waste good food. I'm putting my Kefir grains to sleep for a while. I've got plenty of kefir milk and kefir cheese.
Random Quote of the Day
I don't deserve this award, but I have arthritis and I don't deserve that either.
- Jack Benny (1894 - 1974)
Monday, June 09, 2014
My Amaryllis |
Word of the Day
Negatile - An area of the bathroom floor where, somehow, the scale registers one to be five pounds lighter
Woodtick Count - 6
Frenzy. I've got company coming tomorrow and, thought I KNOW they don't care what my house looks like, there is the NEED to CLEAN! And Bake and Cook. It is what it is. I think it's a genetic problem. Forgive me. However, I think I've got everything under control, considering that I've got a doctor appointment tomorrow with a fasting lab. Ack!
I baked two loaves of cracked wheat bread, I mixed up a double batch of Best Ever Pie Crust and put it in the fridge to chill, I picked, cleaned and chopped enough rhubarb for four rhubarb pies..though I only plan to bake two...and don't ask me why I'm planning to bake two pies when we probably won't eat more than one, especially since Sis' dietary restrictions will forbid her from even taking a taste. I discovered, to my dismay, this week is our monthly recycling week. Again, I say, ACK! I broke down all the cardboard boxes that have been accumulating in the garage (I order a lot of stuff from, much to HTP's displeasure). I'll need to leave early for my doctor appointment in order to take out the garbage AND the recycling. Joy! I decided to do laundry TODAY instead of tomorrow because I just don't want to add to the stress of laundry tomorrow along with everything else that will be going on. I installed the umbrella out on the deck after all indication of drizzle had been obliterated. Done. I still need to bring the resin chairs up from the basement because I only have four chairs circling my patio table and...tomorrow there will be five of us. I brought the steaks up from the freezer and started thawing them out along with the cheeses that I've been making. Tomorrow, I'll have to put out on the counter to finish thawing.
Just talked to Sis. Her hubby's surgery will make it impossible for them to come or participate in a 90th birthday party for our folks. I'm feeling blue. It looks like it's just going to be a party with my immediate family and my folks. *sigh* Sis' hubby's surgery has been rescheduled for July 2nd. Totally stressed about something that I can do NOTHING about.
Random Quote of the Day
The reason why worry kills more people than work is that more people worry than work.
- Robert Frost (1874 - 1963)
Sunday, June 08, 2014
Asparagus Bed Revisited |
Word of the Day
Mattricide - The act of removing the "do not remove" tag on a mattress, thus somehow rendering the mattress invalid.
Woodtick Count - 6
I was fully expecting to add to my woodtick count today but, I lucked least...I hope I did. I haven't found any as yet. Once again, I've gone through three changes of clothing. After 45 minutes of aerobic exercise, I changed out of my workout clothes and into an old pair of jeans and an old t-shirt. When the sun is shining, it's time to work outside. My asparagus bed has been growing for two weeks and it was time to add another three inches of our local soil which I mixed with some potting mix. Our own soil is pretty heavy so, I felt it would be best to lighten it up with the potting mix. By the time I'd finished topping off the bed, I was covered in dirt and mud and had attracted a cloud of mosquitoes. As long as I was dirty, I decided to finish hilling the potatoes. With clouds of mosquitoes following me, I finished up my potato beds.
And this lead me to my third and final change of clothing...after I washed off all the mud and dirt. Just as I'd finished dressing, Sis' hubby arrived to ascertain whether or not I'd need to take the propane tank from my grill into the city to get it filled or not. Not. He had some sort of device that let us know that I had more than half of a tank remaining which is more than enough for me to grill up steaks on Tuesday.
I finished re-making the bed in the guest room and cleaned the downstairs bathroom. I re-filled all the bird-feeders and I replanted my peas and beans in the Earthboxes where Kylee ate the tender new shoots. I'm really going to have to watch that dog until the plants aren't so tender.
Next? I devised/engineered a solution for how to secure a wine glass while I'm out on the deck. I filled an old pop can with dirt. Into this I pushed one of the wine glass holders that I'd purchased online. I tested my device out later in the afternoon when I went down to the dock to finish bilging the big boat and bailing the rowboat. It worked. And...since it was so nice out, I took Kylee back up to the house and grabbed my fishing bait. I can't have Kylee on the dock when I'm fishing. She tries to grab the hook or the bobber. It's just too tempting to her so she needs to be off the dock and in her kennel while I'm fishing. I'd hate to have to run her to the vet remove a hook from Kylee. Willie's and his wife lost a dog who ate a tempting worm-baited hook. That's a nightmare I will NOT risk.
I caught a really nice bass (15 inches), a smaller bass (13 inches) which I released because here at The Lake, bass have to be at least 14 inches, and I caught a walleye (16 inches), which I released because here at The Lake, walleyes need to measure at least 18 inches. Regardless, I had fun and cleaned and froze one nice bass for a future meal.
I strained the kefir milk, both the 2% and 1% and then poured myself a cup of the 1% kefir milk to enjoy for dinner. I just didn't feel up to making dinner. Then, I made a new batch of Kefir-Leban cheese using Trader Joe's 21 Spice mix with sea salt. Then, I started another batch of Kefir cheese. I'm putting part of my kefir grains to sleep for a while. I'm out of 2% milk and quite frankly, I don't think I NEED any more kefir cheese right now. However, I am going to continue making kefir milk to drink with 1% milk. I've got company coming in a couple of days so I don't want to have my cheese-making projects sitting out in my kitchen. Time to clean up the kitchen for company.
Where did all the time go today. It flew! And my Fitbit tells me that I put in more than 10,000 steps and burned a lot of calories today. Tomorrow is another day.
Random Quote of the Day
The average, healthy, well-adjusted adult gets up at seven-thirty in the morning feeling just plain terrible.
- Jean Kerr
Saturday, June 07, 2014
REALLY BIG Moth - So Pretty! |
Word of the Day
Lasterday - The day prior to the present day.
Woodtick Count - 6
It's been raining all day so, dreary day, it was even harder to get moving. However, eventually I benefited from an hour of yoga. Thank goodness for my idea to tape some of the yoga classes back in Arizona and thank goodness that my yoga instructor agreed to do that for me. What a blessing! I felt a LOT better after my hour of yoga.
I dragged out the hand vacuum cleaner and vacuumed the stairs and stairwell. Sadly, Kylee had to be contained in her kennel when she chose to attack the hand vac. What's with that? The thing is a lot smaller than her so how can she think it's a threat to her or me? *sigh* Oh well, I hurried and then dragged the Dyson down to the basement and vacuumed everything down there. There's WAY too much stored down there in the bonus room. I'm going to have to find homes for some of that stuff...soon. I'm hoping that #1 Son and #1 DIL will take some of it off to their home. PLEASE? In a perfect world, DD Daughter and Sarge would have a homes to take some of it too. Maybe some day.
I decided that the sheets on the guest bed needed washing after all. I need to be a bit less lazy. I'm glad I checked because the mattress cover had slipped and needed adjusting. I also threw the bathmat and the toilet rug into the same load. All I have to do now is finish up and re-make the bed.
To lift my spirits and brighten an otherwise dreary day, I built what I think will be my final fireplace fire of the spring. Summer is coming on and it'll be just to hot out until fall. But, today has been cool...high in the 50's. There's really nothing like a fireplace fire to drive off the drearies....that and a bit of burned sage.
I've got some fish soaking in salt water. I'm dying to make my Grandma's B's famous boiled fish. Love it. Comfort food on a cold spring day. I may freeze some of it because I won't be able to eat it all by myself but...why not? the meantime, I started bilging the boat. I gave up after a while because I was worried about the boat battery. Besides, the mosquitoes are still organized platoons. I'll try again tomorrow. The sun is supposed to be shining and I'll want that if I'm going to bail out the rowboat.
Talked to HTP on the phone tonight. I'm feeling a bit blue. It's not that I wish that I was there, it's that I wish he was here and that he loved being here as much as I do. *sigh*
Random Quote of the Day
Family connexions were always worth preserving, good company always worth seeking.
- Jane Austen (1775 - 1817), Persuasion, 1818
Friday, June 06, 2014
Hummingbirds! |
Word of the Day
Kneepit - Area of space behind the knee.
Woodtick Count - 6
I'm on my third change of clothes for the day. I may be all alone here at The Lake...except for Kylee...but I can't stand spending any more time than need be in sweaty workout clothes. I spent 45 minutes this morning in an aerobic exercise program. I was dripping and stinky so I changed. Then, since I planned to dust my tomatoes, zucchini and currant bushes with fungicide, I put on an old t-shirt, a pair of capris, and some really old sandals. I got sweaty and dusty. Since I was already sweaty and dirty, I dragged out the big shop-vac and vacuumed the upper and lower decks, stowed away the shop-vac, and then watered all the plants on the upper and lower decks and then "fogged" the lower deck with mosquito repellent. I'm hoping that vacuuming up the debris on the lower deck will also help to keep the mosquito population down. Let's hope it works because I can tell that the mosquitoes were HORRIBLE down there, despite the mosquito trap that I had running down there. At this point, I changed into my third and final set of clothing for the day...capris, clean shirt, and my new white sandals.
By the time I finished my outdoor chores, I decided to take a trip into town to check the mail and stop at the bank to deposit two checks that our insurance company sent us (apparently, we over-payed them?). I notified HTP. I also needed to mail a birthday card to BFF2 in Colorado. I stopped into the local gift shop/junk shop and was a bit happy that I wasn't tempted to buy anything. Yeah me!
After returning home, I decided to tackle getting the office in some sort of usable shape. Believe me, that was NOT an easy chore. Lots of filing was done, places had to be found for things that I'd just shoved in there, and sensitive mail had to be shredded. Believe me it took me the better part of the afternoon to get the office organized enough that HTP won't hit the roof when he gets here in July and I can move my laptop in there when company arrives next week. Right now I have it in the living room so I can enjoy watching the birds, the television and sit in reclining comfort with my cup of coffee at my side...or a glass of iced tea...or a glass of wine.
Speaking of wine, I ordered three different things that should help hold wine glasses while I'm on the dock or out on the deck. They arrived today. I'd hoped that I could easily install option that I was thinking of using on the dock because I broke one of my wine glasses when I was fishing down there. However, I'm not sure how to install that option...yet. Actually, I'm not sure of how to install ANY of the options for anywhere yet. I've got to think about it for a while...or let an engineer take figure out something. Mr. Fix-it will be coming with BFF1 at the end of July. Maybe I can wait that long.
I'm thrilled to see that the dragonflies have returned. YEAH!!! Maybe this will diminish the mosquito population that has been plaguing us.
Another, YEAH!, because the roofer called. He wanted to come and start the roofing on June 10th. Next week seems to be the week where EVERYTHING is planned to happen. The roofer asked if June 16th would be better. I jumped on his suggestion. So far, I don't have anything planned for that week. Let's hope the weather co-operates. I'm told that there are going to be LOTS of trucks and LOTS of mess. I do NOT want that for next week when I have The Harpist and Lord Doug here.
Random Quote of the Day
An idealist is one who, on noticing that a rose smells better than a cabbage, concludes that it will also make better soup.
- H. L. Mencken (1880 - 1956)
Thursday, June 05, 2014
Kylee is Guarding my Winterized and Recovering Geraniums |
Word of the Day
Justifiction - 1. A statement, known to be false, presented in explanation of some action or belief. 2. Any act in which a person fraudulently defends, explains, or makes excuses for an action through false reasoning. 3. Something known not to be a fact or circumstance presented to support an action as reasonable or necessary.
Woodtick Count - 6
The day started with such a positive outlook! *sigh* I packed up all the samples of homemade cheese, Sis' sample of caviar, and crackers to bring to Ma and T-Square's place. I prepped and had the mail that needed to be mailed. I wrote out my shopping list. I arrived way early for yoga with T-Square, my Dad. I was feeling really mellow after a rather strenuous yoga hour and then...
I really shouldn't let things that come out of Ma's mouth bother me. She claims that HTP called her and talked to her. He didn't but this is part of my story and part of what I feel might be evidence of dementia on her part. Supposedly, he told her that I was only at The Lake to be close to Ma and T-Square. An ounce of truth but...I'd still want to be here whether or not my folks were here or not. I love being here at The Lake. Then, she continued that HTP told her that the only reason that he agreed to build here at The Lake was because he thought that Ma and T-Square were millionaires. WTF! Excuse my language, but, from where did that come. I was more than pissed and more than concerned by this level of dementia. Anyone who knows my HTP KNOWS that this conversation was invented from start to finish. This puzzling behavior on my Mom's part is scary because...she really believes it.
I was so upset that I hurried with my errands in the city and returned to deliver samples of my newest cheeses to Sis and her hubby. I told them what Ma had told me. Sis' hubby burst into laughter. He's been dealing with this for a while. My Mom is free with her tactless advice and her baseless accusations. Unfortunately, Sis told me that Ma had been telling her this tale about HTP for years! I am upset and feel sad and betrayed. I've always tried to understand my Mom, forgiving her the many things that made our lives while growing up, fairly miserable. She has problems. I hate that she's tried to spread poison about my HTP. This summer is going be a summer spent in prayer. Lots of prayers. I came home and have been feeling depressed and sad. And the saddest thing is that she doesn't even recognize the ham-handed damage she does. I ended up spending several hours after returning home pushing this out of my mind. I've always tried to be understanding. I need to understand this too. And...obviously, I'm still upset but I'm trying to "let it go". I may have to break out my sage and chase away all the negative so I can allow in the positive. Does she actually think her "story" would drive me back to Arizona? Forgive me but, her stupid tale would just drive me away from my HTP if it were true. I've lived more years with my HTP and I know his character. Sadly, I also know my Mom's character over the years that I lived with her and T-Square. T-Square's Alzheimer's disease is a blessing these days. I feel bad for him and pray for the same patience that he maintains with Ma.
I purchased eight more bags of potting mix to spread on my potato beds AND my new asparagus garden. I'm pleased to see that the asparagus garden is coming along nicely despite how long it took me to prepare the new garden space. I'll work on spreading the potting mix on the rest of my potato beds in the coming days.
It looks like I need to do some more vacuuming. I just vacuumed again upstairs but, I need to vacuum the stairs down to the basement and the bedrooms down there. It's amazing how much you SEE when you've got guests coming . I hired a friend to come in and do a thorough cleaning before HTP and the entire family comes but I can't afford to have her come more than once or twice. The Harpist and Lord Doug will have to make do with my meager cleaning ability. I'm not as capable or demanding as Sis when it comes to cleanliness. I was planning to vacuum the upper and lower decks but with the roofers coming (no, I haven't heard from them), and with rain expected, vacuuming off shingle dust is an exercise in futility. I will make sure that all the cushions are brushed of shingle dust but...that's it.
Random Quote of the Day
Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you.
- Wayne Dyer
Wednesday, June 04, 2014
Peas and Beans - Needed to Replant |
Word of the Day
Ideality - Frequently the opposite to reality. A dimension only spoken of in textbooks and lectures, and yet, while greatly desired, never seems to be the case.
Woodtick Count - 6
Again, I had a hard time forcing myself to exercise. It's difficult to keep myself moving without the help and presence of my friends. However, I did put in a little over an hour and five miles. Go Me! *sigh* Soaked with sweat, I changed out of my workout clothes and ate some lunch. Sushi! I picked some up when I was in the city of the best things ever about the new grocery store that moved in last summer. I'm going to enjoy the rest of my sushi purchase tonight for dinner....six pieces. It's not much so I may have some more of Sis' freshwater caviar and my latest cheese creation on crackers.
I really should drive out to the main road and pull the garbage can back behind the gate. Again, it's been hard to MOVE today. I'm just not feeling it. However, I did go out to the garden and hilled another couple of potato beds. In the process, it looks like I managed to pick up a couple more woodticks. Lovely. Again, I was driven inside by mosquitoes. I've only got two more bags of potting mix. It's obvious that I'll have to add it to my shopping list.
Speaking of shopping lists, I'm going to have to buy more milk. 1% milk this time. The kefir milk that I enjoy so much is so thick that it's undrinkable...more the texture of yogurt. Plus, I wonder what the kefir grains that I've been discarding, down the drain, are doing to my septic system. Such thoughts run through my mind these days...along with the feeling of real and imaginary woodticks crawling up my body.
I soaked and plunked more bean and pea seeds into my Earthboxes. I don't know why some of the original seeds didn't sprout. Could it be the shingle dust that has been falling from my roof every time it rains? Does it contain some sort of chemical that inhibits growth? I'm a bit worried about that.
I called Sis yesterday. She and her hubby met with the surgeon yesterday. The news wasn't good. Sis' hubby is going to have to have a valve replacement to replace the one that was replaced (this we knew), however, the surgery is going to be very risky and complicated. The surgeon has called in a second surgeon to help him and this will be the ONLY surgery scheduled for the day. Plus, if this new valve goes bad...and they do...there will be no third surgery. Sobering to hear that even if this surgery is successful, you'll probably only have another 10-15 more years to live. Surgery is scheduled for June 23rd and I'll be driving the two of them (Sis and her hubby) into the big city the day before, dropping them off at a friend's house. I'm still hosting my cousin and her husband on June 10th. Sis and her hubby want to spend as much time together as possible before the her husband's surgery. They will NOT be driving to Appleton with me and my folks for my Uncle's memorial. At least, that's what Sis told me yesterday. Maybe, they'll change their minds. It seems that I'll be doing a lot of praying this summer. I will be having Sis and her husband over for steaks on the grill that first night when The Harpist and Lord Doug are here. I'm glad I picked up the ribeye steaks at the grocery store the other day with this thought in mind.
Random Quote of the Day
To sit in the shade on a fine day, and look upon verdure is the most perfect refreshment.
- Jane Austen (1775 - 1817)
Tuesday, June 03, 2014
No Caption Needed |
Word of the Day
Haluv - To love and hate at the same time.
Woodtick Count - 4
At least it finally stopped raining. However, the weather hasn't decided whether or not to be hot and humid or cold and humid. I'm on my third outfit in one day.
I started out with my normal yoga outfit because I joined my Dad, T-Square for an hour of yoga again. I like this instructor a lot better than the one we had on Tuesday. It takes me a bit more than 30 minutes to drive from here to the city, where my Mom and Dad have their retirement apartment. I'm rather amazed that more people don't take advantage of the yoga classes. However, there really isn't that much space in the room where the classes are held so...I shouldn't complain.
I'm a bit concerned about the fact that both times that I've driven into the city to visit with my folks, my Mom has been in bed. Her memory seems even worse than my Dad's and Dad has Alzheimer's disease. However, on the plus side, she was up after I changed into my second change of clothing for the day, after yoga class. I also was pleased that we found the most important part of what my Mom thought she'd lost when she couldn't find her "wallet". I had visions of spending the entire summer getting copies of her Social Security card, her driver's license (not that she drives but...) and her insurance and Medicare cards. I have no idea what was in her "wallet" but thankfully, the major, important items, aren't lost. Yeah! I plan to do a more thorough search for them missing "wallet" but...later.
While I was in the city, I picked up eight bags of potting mix and some groceries. Sadly, I gave into temptation and stopped at McDonald's. However, I only bought two regular hamburgers and a large unsweetened iced tea. I shouldn't have and I did buy some sushi at Gordy's but....OK, I'll save the sushi for tomorrow. Instead, I had crackers with some of my homemade Kefir cheese, braunschweiger, and, Sis' homemade freshwater caviar (AWESOME!) When all is said and done, I'm under my allotted calorie count for today. So there.
I've finished my laundry, re-made the bed in the guest room, took the laundry to the road, and I'm feeling really tired tonight. I did NOT drive into town to pick up the mail but...tomorrow. I need to send a birthday card to my friend and former college room-mate. I worry about her. The last email I got from her was troubling. I hope she's doing OK.
Random Quote of the Day
I'm never going to be famous. My name will never be writ large on the roster of Those Who Do Things. I don't do any thing. Not one single thing. I used to bite my nails, but I don't even do that any more.
- Dorothy Parker (1893 - 1967), Here Lies (1939), "The Little Hours"
Sunday, June 01, 2014
My White Lilac are Blooming |
Word of the Day
Gratisfaction - 1. The state of being simultaneously gratified and satisfied. 2. To be saturated with gratuity such that the point of further utility is exceeded. 3. The satisfaction of getting something gratis -- without payment.
Woodtick Count - 4
A rainy day finally arrived. I've been promising myself that I'd do so many indoor-type chores on such a rainy day. arrived and I had no choice. According to my Ticker, I've been here at The Lake for three full weeks. *sigh* According to my Fitbit, I burned almost 250 calories today while accomplishing just a couple of those chores. I cleaned out my bedroom closet! I can now see the back of the closet and have bagged up another HUGE bag for donation AND I've knocked down a mountain of empty boxes. I have no idea why I've been saving all those boxes but...enough is enough. I am NOT a hoarder. I organized the gift-wrapping materials...YEAH! And I organized, kind of, my craft material. I found all kinds of gifts that I meant to give my grandchildren but forgot about. Bad Grandma! Oh well...they are now visible and...maybe this summer. I also tackled the front entryway closet. And then the sun came out and my labors came to an end...well...
I flavored a new batch of Kefir cheese with lemon zest, lime zest, freshly ground black pepper, minced fresh basil and sea salt. I'll have to wait until tomorrow to give it a try. I also started another batch of Kefir cheese (needs to drain 48 hours). This batch I plan to try a different flavoring suggestion that Sarge gave me today. Curry on part of it, garlic on the other part... and then I plan to marbleize them. Interesting. Once again, I've run out of milk. I'll have to buy more when I'm in the city on Tuesday.
Sarge called. She also sent me some of the latest picture of Tammy and Little Jon. Love getting those. I wish DD Daughter would send more pictures of her kidlets. She has already told me that she won tickets to anywhere in the United States. She's trying to arrange for travel to The Lake this summer to attend my folks' 90th birthday celebration in July. She'd intended on keeping this information from HTP but...she told me that she leaked the information to him. Oh least I don't have to keep a secret from HTP. I'm REALLY bad at keeping secrets.
I enjoyed a wonderful meal tonight for dinner. Yesterday, I had some luck fishing off the dock. Tonight? I made oven-fried smallmouth bass, oven-fried French fries (thank you Orieda), and a homemade watercress salad. My first fresh-caught fish dinner of the year. Yum!
Random Quote of the Day
If hunger makes you irritable, better eat and be pleasant.
- Sefer Hasidim