My White Lilac are Blooming |
Word of the Day
Gratisfaction - 1. The state of being simultaneously gratified and satisfied. 2. To be saturated with gratuity such that the point of further utility is exceeded. 3. The satisfaction of getting something gratis -- without payment.
Woodtick Count - 4
A rainy day finally arrived. I've been promising myself that I'd do so many indoor-type chores on such a rainy day. arrived and I had no choice. According to my Ticker, I've been here at The Lake for three full weeks. *sigh* According to my Fitbit, I burned almost 250 calories today while accomplishing just a couple of those chores. I cleaned out my bedroom closet! I can now see the back of the closet and have bagged up another HUGE bag for donation AND I've knocked down a mountain of empty boxes. I have no idea why I've been saving all those boxes but...enough is enough. I am NOT a hoarder. I organized the gift-wrapping materials...YEAH! And I organized, kind of, my craft material. I found all kinds of gifts that I meant to give my grandchildren but forgot about. Bad Grandma! Oh well...they are now visible and...maybe this summer. I also tackled the front entryway closet. And then the sun came out and my labors came to an end...well...
I flavored a new batch of Kefir cheese with lemon zest, lime zest, freshly ground black pepper, minced fresh basil and sea salt. I'll have to wait until tomorrow to give it a try. I also started another batch of Kefir cheese (needs to drain 48 hours). This batch I plan to try a different flavoring suggestion that Sarge gave me today. Curry on part of it, garlic on the other part... and then I plan to marbleize them. Interesting. Once again, I've run out of milk. I'll have to buy more when I'm in the city on Tuesday.
Sarge called. She also sent me some of the latest picture of Tammy and Little Jon. Love getting those. I wish DD Daughter would send more pictures of her kidlets. She has already told me that she won tickets to anywhere in the United States. She's trying to arrange for travel to The Lake this summer to attend my folks' 90th birthday celebration in July. She'd intended on keeping this information from HTP but...she told me that she leaked the information to him. Oh least I don't have to keep a secret from HTP. I'm REALLY bad at keeping secrets.
I enjoyed a wonderful meal tonight for dinner. Yesterday, I had some luck fishing off the dock. Tonight? I made oven-fried smallmouth bass, oven-fried French fries (thank you Orieda), and a homemade watercress salad. My first fresh-caught fish dinner of the year. Yum!
Random Quote of the Day
If hunger makes you irritable, better eat and be pleasant.
- Sefer Hasidim
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