Sis and The Harpist |
Word of the Day
Obvium - Something that is obvious.
On Tuesday, I had my doctor appointment. Done with my annual physical. Filled with nerves, I stepped on the doctors scale, fully dressed and...YEAH! I'd lost twenty pounds since I saw them last year at around this time. No yelling. My blood work was so-so. My cholesterol was a bit higher than it should have been, considering how much weight I've lost. However, the doctor agreed that I should just up my dosage of Red Yeast Rice instead of starting on Lipitor. My concerns about the difficulty I have getting and staying asleep were dismissed. I'm to take Melatonin and/or Benedryl. However, the skin tabs that have been bothering me under my left arm were summerarily removed with four shots of Novacain (which never works for me) and a sharp scissors. *shudder* Five skin tabs were removed and five little band-aides were applied. Then, since I've reached The Big 60, I ended with another band-aide on my other arm where I received a shingles vaccination. Needless to say, I was a bit sore upon walking out of the doctor's office.
I raced to do some errands in the city and then stopped to visit with my folks before heading on home to finish up last minute details in getting the house ready for visitors. The Harpist and Lord Doug arrived at around 3:30 PM. Sis and her hubby arrived for dinner (steaks on the grill, mushrooms, salad, salt crusted potatoes and rhubarb crisp for dessert). Despite having to use a gluten-free flour, the rhubarb crisp turned out great.
Wednesday was a laid back day...except, the septic tank people came to pump out my tank without calling me first. It's a good thing we were home. The unscheduled visit delayed our pontoon ride by about a half hour but... Sis and her husband picked us up from our dock and took us for a really long pontoon ride. It was quite warm but I'm glad that I wore long sleeves because as it was, I got a bit sun-burnt. We visited Mud Lake. I'd never been back into that part of our chain of lakes. It's very weedy back there. And then we went across our own lake, through the channel, and explored the big lake.
I made chicken and steak tacos for dinner. I think Sis' hubby and Lord Doug loved the margaritas that I made for them. While Sis, The Harpist and I sat out on the deck, enjoying a pre-dinner drink (white wine for The Harpist and Me, NAO beer for Sis), the men took my boat out for a spin. I really appreciated this because I was concerned about the battery after having to bilge two and a half inches of rain from it.
Today has been a bit gloomy. I started the morning with an hour of yoga and then started packing for my trip to my Uncle's memorial celebration this weekend. After breakfast, we've just been chilling out. The weather is cool so I started a nice fire in the fireplace.
I took Kylee for a walk up to the road to check the mail and what to my wondering eyes should appear? A giant puffball. Wow! I brought it on home and cooked it up. The Harpist and Lord Doug tasted some and like it. I'm so glad that I was able to share a bit of The Lake with them. When we walking out the other day on a hunt for wild ramps, we couldn't find any. Plus, the mosquitoes were so thick, it was a pretty unpleasant walk. No wonder they didn't join me for today's walk.
Since I'll be heading out tomorrow morning to pick up my folks for the memorial, I spend some time cleaning out the fridge and prepping leftovers for freezing. I don't want to waste good food. I'm putting my Kefir grains to sleep for a while. I've got plenty of kefir milk and kefir cheese.
Random Quote of the Day
I don't deserve this award, but I have arthritis and I don't deserve that either.
- Jack Benny (1894 - 1974)
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