Thursday, June 05, 2014

Kylee is Guarding my Winterized and Recovering Geraniums

Word of the Day

Justifiction - 1. A statement, known to be false, presented in explanation of some action or belief. 2. Any act in which a person fraudulently defends, explains, or makes excuses for an action through false reasoning. 3. Something known not to be a fact or circumstance presented to support an action as reasonable or necessary.

Woodtick Count - 6

The day started with such a positive outlook! *sigh* I packed up all the samples of homemade cheese, Sis' sample of caviar, and crackers to bring to Ma and T-Square's place. I prepped and had the mail that needed to be mailed. I wrote out my shopping list. I arrived way early for yoga with T-Square, my Dad. I was feeling really mellow after a rather strenuous yoga hour and then...

I really shouldn't let things that come out of Ma's mouth bother me. She claims that HTP called her and talked to her. He didn't but this is part of my story and part of what I feel might be evidence of dementia on her part. Supposedly, he told her that I was only at The Lake to be close to Ma and T-Square. An ounce of truth but...I'd still want to be here whether or not my folks were here or not. I love being here at The Lake. Then, she continued that HTP told her that the only reason that he agreed to build here at The Lake was because he thought that Ma and T-Square were millionaires. WTF! Excuse my language, but, from where did that come. I was more than pissed and more than concerned by this level of dementia. Anyone who knows my HTP KNOWS that this conversation was invented from start to finish. This puzzling behavior on my Mom's part is scary because...she really believes it.

I was so upset that I hurried with my errands in the city and returned to deliver samples of my newest cheeses to Sis and her hubby. I told them what Ma had told me. Sis' hubby burst into laughter. He's been dealing with this for a while. My Mom is free with her tactless advice and her baseless accusations. Unfortunately, Sis told me that Ma had been telling her this tale about HTP for years! I am upset and feel sad and betrayed. I've always tried to understand my Mom, forgiving her the many things that made our lives while growing up, fairly miserable. She has problems. I hate that she's tried to spread poison about my HTP. This summer is going be a summer spent in prayer. Lots of prayers. I came home and have been feeling depressed and sad. And the saddest thing is that she doesn't even recognize the ham-handed damage she does. I ended up spending several hours after returning home pushing this out of my mind. I've always tried to be understanding. I need to understand this too. And...obviously, I'm still upset but I'm trying to "let it go". I may have to break out my sage and chase away all the negative so I can allow in the positive. Does she actually think her "story" would drive me back to Arizona? Forgive me but, her stupid tale would just drive me away from my HTP if it were true. I've lived more years with my HTP and I know his character. Sadly, I also know my Mom's character over the years that I lived with her and T-Square. T-Square's Alzheimer's disease is a blessing these days. I feel bad for him and pray for the same patience that he maintains with Ma.

I purchased eight more bags of potting mix to spread on my potato beds AND my new asparagus garden. I'm pleased to see that the asparagus garden is coming along nicely despite how long it took me to prepare the new garden space. I'll work on spreading the potting mix on the rest of my potato beds in the coming days.

It looks like I need to do some more vacuuming. I just vacuumed again upstairs but, I need to vacuum the stairs down to the basement and the bedrooms down there. It's amazing how much you SEE when you've got guests coming . I hired a friend to come in and do a thorough cleaning before HTP and the entire family comes but I can't afford to have her come more than once or twice. The Harpist and Lord Doug will have to make do with my meager cleaning ability. I'm not as capable or demanding as Sis when it comes to cleanliness. I was planning to vacuum the upper and lower decks but with the roofers coming (no, I haven't heard from them), and with rain expected, vacuuming off shingle dust is an exercise in futility. I will make sure that all the cushions are brushed of shingle dust but...that's it.

Random Quote of the Day

Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you.

- Wayne Dyer

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