Thursday, September 11, 2003

I collect plastic containers. Sad but true. This is a heretitary condition. Never throw anything away that may be of use at some future date. I can't tell you how many cottage cheese cartons I have. I can't tell you how many old butter tubs I have. I have old Kool Whip containers. I have old ice cream containers (not the cardboard ones, I'm not totally crazy though we used to save old cardboard milk containers when I was growing up...they worked great for freezing and storing's cheaper now to buy milk in plastic gallon jugs. I throw those away.) I must admit that I don't buy much Tupperware. If you come to my house, expect to go home with the leftovers in old butter tubs and cottage cheese containers. That's just the way I was raised. I use some old ice cream containers when I go out berry picking. They have nice little handles that can be attached to your belt, thus freeing your hands for actual berry picking and mosquito swatting...not to mention deerfly shooing. Last night I used an ice cream container to catch an invading bat. See? I am vindicated. I keep the lids too. Thank goodness. Where would I have been last night when I went after that bat if there hadn't been a lid to my ice cream bucket? This is not to say that all my plastic containers have lids. There should be lids but like that odd sock that shows up in the laundry (I have a whole basket of odd socks) there is always going to be a container with a missing lid.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

Six people can feast on one scrambled ostrich egg for breakfast. I'm down to six chicken eggs in the fridge and I refuse to buy any more at this point since we're leaving on Sunday. I can either make omelots tomorrow morning and we can skip breakfast on Saturday or I can make French Toast (Freedom Toast) which will help use up the bread. I think I'll make Freedom Toast.

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