Sunday, September 21, 2003

What is it with these people who live in Arizona? Oops. I guess I'm one of them but I don't set the thermostat in my house at "WINTERY COLD". I drove to church in the cool comfort of my car...not I played with our contemporary jazz group for two services and nearly got frostbite. I'm sure many were wondering how I could produce that neat vibrato on my clarinet. My teeth were chattering. I get out of church, get my coffee on the patio where I attempt to thaw out and then I head to the music room to practice with our church orchestra for next Sunday's church service. Thermostat set on "WINTERY COLD". After an hour of this, I head out to the outdoors 101° and my car. The 101° feels really good. Feeling starts to return to my fingers by the time I arrive at a nearby restaurant where I'm meeting my son for lunch. Out of the heat and into "WINTERY COLD" again. I should have worn a sweater today. It was 102° when we exited the restaurant and headed to Target to get some much needed supplies. My laundry baskets disappeared sometime while I was in Wisconsin this summer. I have my suspicions but that's another subject for a future blog. Are You Ever Really An Empty-Nester or Who Used Up All The Laundry Detergent? Back to "WINTERY COLD". Yup! Target keeps it's thermostat set at -5° below "Wintery Cold". Perhaps this is to encourage Arizona residents to buy winter clothing while it's still 103° outside by this time. When I got back to my car, I thawed my poor frozen fingers off on the steering wheel in my car. It felt good...really good. I'm glad to be back home where we keep our thermostat at a reasonable temperature. Unfortunately, I think I'm coming down with a cold now.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

My daughters and their cats will be happy to know that catgut string does not come from a cat. It is from a sheep's intestines. Baa, Baa Black Sheep.... Not guts, no glory takes on a whole new meaning.

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