Pretty in Pink
Counterfeiter's Beware! The mainstay of our monetary unit, the bill most often counterfeited is going to be changed. I wonder if I'll see the new $20 bills in Vegas when I'm there for my daughter's wedding. I suppose that the color "peach" was picked because not many people can actually tell that the color used is actually peach and not pink. I know that when I decided on the color peach as a color for the walls of my lake home I encountered one major difficulty. I got a frantic call at 4 AM, Arizona time, from my builder. "The paint is PINK! Do you really want PINK walls!" Since he was in Wisconsin and I was in Arizona, there was no real way for me to actually see his terror. I couldn't verify his definition of "PINK" either. My response was, "Is the color Mary Kay PINK?" He didn't know. I begged my mother to go over and check. My builder asked his wife. My mother, the builder's wife and I have all decided that men are genetically incapable of seeing the difference in certain colors. My walls were and are not PINK. My walls are PEACH. My walls in Arizona are SALMON. They are not PINK. Women know the difference. Most men haven't a clue. Most men, even if they are not actually colorblind, are color challenged. They see only in the basic Crayola colors. Blue, Green, Yellow, Purple, Red, White, Black, Brown, and Pink. I'd be willing to bet that the majority of the 100 + packs of Crayola's crayons are sold to and for little girls.
Today's Little Bit of Trivia
One cord of wood can make seven and one-half million toothpicks. This little bit of trivia struck me because I just ordered a "face cord" (4'x8'x17")of wood to be stored in my garage in Wisconsin. It'll be delivered on Friday. I don't need a whole cord of wood (128 cu. feet). I only want enough dry firewood for a few fireplace fires next spring. Check another thing off my list of things to take care of for my return to Wisconsin next spring.
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