Wednesday, September 10, 2003

My whole house smells like my husband's Italian Grandmother's home. MMMM!!!! Fried Italian Peppers. I made Fried Italian Peppers for supper....and to freeze for winter. Italian Peppers are nothing like the domestic Sweet Bell Pepper. I grew the Italian Peppers myself. It isn't easy to get real Italian Peppers. You have to know someone. My husband's uncle gave me the plants. He saves the seeds. These are honest to goodness heirloom Italian Peppers from the Old Country. I sneer at Sweet Bell Peppers. OK. They have their uses. I use them when I want Stuffed Green Peppers. But NOTHING compares with real, honest to goodness, Fried Italian Peppers. MMMMM!!!!! And the aroma!!!! MMMMM!!!!!! You can't fry up Sweet Green Peppers like you fry up Italian Peppers. OK. You can . But it just isn't the same. I'll have to really ration my frozen Italian Fried Peppers this winter. I don't have many. You fry Italian Peppers with onion and garlic in just a little bit of virgen olive oil. Salt and pepper to taste. MMMMM!!!!! Nothing can be better....well...maybe some Godiva's Chocolates but let's not compare apples with oranges.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

The eggplant was a "mad apple" and believed to be poisonous in the 1800's. Didn't they think tomatoes were poisonous too? Eggplant parmesiano anyone?


Old gallon ice cream buckets come in really handy when you need to remove a bat who has invaded your house. I knew that thing would come in handy some day. I will now wash it and return it to the cupboard for the next time a bat invades my house....or....whatever.

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