Word of the Day
Tinselitis - A throat condition approaching Christmas.
19 Days and a Wake Up And We Hit the Road*
It's official. Fall has truly arrived. The ladybugs got here today. They are crawling all over the outside of my house. I expect to see the usual invasion. They are magical creatures. One moment you'll see them crawling on the outside of a window and then...presto change-o...they're crawling on the inside of the window. Cue the Twilight Zone music.
Murphyism of the Day
Things that Can Be Counted on in a Crisis
Marketing says yes.
Finance says no.
Legal has to review it.
Personnel is concerned.
Planning is frantic.
Engineering is above it all.
Manufacturing wants more floor space.
Top management wants someone responsible.
* Disclaimer: The countdown has started but it isn't written in blood. I make mistakes and we all know that you just can't pin down life like a bug on a entomology class display board.
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