Word of the Day
Twitterpated - Having a crush on someone so attractive that your heart is all a-twitter and your brain is addlepated.
Happy Halloween!
I met Arizona daughter at the mall. This was the first time I've been to a mall since the last time I'd been to the mall with Arizona daughter. There really aren't too many malls near our home at The Lake. I got my glasses fixed. The nose pad had broken while enroute to Vegas. I still wore the things but it was beginning to bother me a bit. I also bought some really cute liqueur glasses at Bombay. Perfect for serving the liqueurs and limoncello that my sister and I brewed over the summer. They're really quite tiny compared to my other liqueur glasses. Perfect for pouring out just a small sampling.
It's Halloween today. HTP and I aren't really expecting any kids to come trick or treating but we still bought a couple of bags of candy...just in case (or so HTP claims and he's sticking to it). I've been a good girl and haven't touched any....yet. Tonight all bets are off. I love Butterfinger bars. I'm surprised that HTP hasn't started on his bag of Snickers. Those are his favorite.
Murphyism of the Day
Whistler's Law
You never know who's right, but you always know who's in charge.
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