Word of the Day
Trashmere - Fake cashmere wool.
10 Days and a Wake Up And We Hit the Road*
You know it's cold outside when the water in the dog dish freezes over. I guess it's time to bring the dogs' water dish inside at night. I don't like to leave water out for them inside the house. Even though they're just tiny little chihuahuas (if you buy small dogs you can have two) they make a bit of a mess with their water. I prefer to keep that kind of mess outside where I don't have to worry about mopping. (At this point my sister is asking herself, "She mops?! Oh sure...pull the other one.) I mop. I just don't make a habit of it.
I'm going to be bottling the rest of the wine today with my sister. We may have to design some new labels for next year's production. Two Sisters Winery. LOL.
HTP has gone off to The Big City for one last visit with his folks before HTP and I head on back to Arizona. I need to continue to whittle down that To Do List so I stayed home. I won't start on my Packing List until next week though I have started packing up some of the canned goods that I plan to bring back with me.
I really love my new froggy keyboard. Only...it's a good thing I don't have to look at the keyboard to type because all the letters that identify the keys are wearing off. Thank goodness for those typing lessons that I took in high school...we didn't have keyboarding back in the dark ages before PC's. Anyone out there know of a remedy? Is there such a thing as letter transfers that you can use? I'm not a hunt and pecker when it comes to typing but sometimes it's nice to look down and see the letters. I can still see the Q, part of the W, the Y, the U, most of the I, part of the O, the P, the J, a fade K, the Z is still there and so is the X, the C is almost gone, the V is fading, the B is unrecognizable, but the M is still there. All the rest of the stuff is still there. So...if anyone has any suggestions?
Murphyism of the Day
Law of Corporate Takeovers
In any corporate buyout, the resultant company will provide inferior service and quality.
1. The larger the company that takes over, the less attention is paid to projects ongoing before the takeover.
2. When they say no jobs will be lost, they are lying.
* Disclaimer: The countdown has started but it isn't written in blood. I make mistakes and we all know that you just can't pin down life like a bug on a entomology class display board.
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