Word of the Day
Twirrly - Too early.
Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble....
The yeast is in the must and all I have to do now is stir every day for the next week. Then it's on to the bottles to work. Pomegranate Wine and Blackberry Wine. It should be drinkable...eventually...I hope.
HTP and I planted two of the new plants that we bought. My arms are sporting brand new bloody scratches. The two plants bit me. Ouch. Spines. It's a good thing that we don't have to mess with them again. These natal plum don't really need too much pruning. At least, I don't plan to prune them. They should be fine. I never pruned the ones we had in our last house...or the house before that...or the one before that. HTP didn't prune them either. They were fine. We (He) also dug and found the leak in our irrigation pipe. I'll have to go buy what HTP needs to fix the leak when I'm out later today with Arizona Daughter. HTP and I will plant the other three bushes tomorrow...early. It's already getting warm outside. I expect it to reach the 90's today. Warm but not too hot. It's just too warm to do too much physical labor outside.
Murphyism of the Day
First Rule of Superior Inferiority
Don't let your superiors know you're better than they are.
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