Word of the Day
Typonese - A language that consists primarily of typos (errors).
One of the advantages of living in a Big City, is that there are any number of grocery stores that are only a mile or so from our house. I feel no real hesitation when it comes to hopping into the car and racing out to buy whatever I may need or crave. I suppose that could be considered as a disadvantage as well. Oh well.... At least I just ran out to buy carrots and celery but I did end up buying a couple of new plants that are really pretty right now...miniature roses. They'll probably die because I tend to kill plants but at least they look good right now. Hopefully I can add them to my landscaping after I get tired of having them as houseplants and they'll live long and prosper. I really do like roses.
Murphyism of the Day
Spencer's Laws of Data
1. Anyone can make a decision given enough facts.
2. A good manager can make a decision without any facts.
3. A perfect manager can operate in complete ignorance.
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