Saturday, November 04, 2006

Word of the Day

Underwhelmed - Not impressed.

Garage Sale. I was up before the sun rose to gather whatever I could find that might need selling at my friend's garage sale. I'm sure that I had lots more but I didn't have all that much time to dig stuff out. At least I managed to sell most of what I brought. I have a ton of books I probably could sell but I just can't bring myself to the point where I actually sell any of my books...even those that I'm not particularly fond of. It must be my something to do with my upbringing. I know that I have tons of clothes in the closet that could be sold but I didn't have the time...take the sort out everything. Maybe next year.

Murphyism of the Day

Kushner's Law

The chances of anybody doing anything are inversely proportional to the number of other people who are in the position to do it instead.

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