Word of the Day
Univarsity - An institution of higher learning specializing in sports.
I'm exhausted. It's all that I can do not to nod off to sleep. I got up at my normal time but I guess all my chosen activities for the day have worn me out. I was energized when I got back from church. I get a kick out of playing my clarinet at the church even if our musical director picks out music for me that stumbles my fingers and strains my brain with a multitude of sharps. At least playing at church allows me a very forgiving audience.
On the way home, I picked up a bottle of champagne. DD Daughter and her husband GI Joe are going to be here tonight! I think a welcome back to CONUS toast for GI Joe is in order, don't you? We're going to eat out at one of DD Daughter's favorite restaurants here. I hope GI Joe likes it too. I sure hope GI Joe likes Italian....he married one.
Another task when I got home from church was to get the wine buckets out of the guest room. Wine-making buckets just don't fit into the decor of the room...or the smell. The room was beginning to have the distinct smell of Eau di Vino. I'd picked up two nice water jugs (3 gallon) at Water and Ice. One of the batches of wine that I'm making ended up totaling two gallons. I've decided to pour it into one of the 3 gallon water jugs. My airlock won't fit on the jug but I read that you can use a balloon. Right now that batch of wine is bubbling away in my closet with a bright pink balloon acting as airlock. I remember that I didn't use an airlock for the rhubarb wines that my sister and I made over the summer so maybe this improvised balloon method will work at least as well. The other bucket of wine fit into one of my gallon wine jugs. I've got an airlock on that one. I want to start another batch of pomegranate wine using white grapes instead of the raisins in the recipe. 2-pounds of white grapes instead of 1-pound of golden raisins. By the time this recipe is ready for the aging jugs, I'll have another gallon jug of Chablis finished and another gallon jug added to my wine-making equipment.
So...then I had to clean the bathrooms. It's amazing how icky bathrooms can get even if no-one has used them for six months. Dust and bugs. Yuck.
Maybe there's a reason I'm so tired. I've been busy. Time to take a break. But no naps! I never do well with naps. I always end up groggy and more tired than when I decided that I needed a nap in the first place. As a dedicated insomniac, naps are a definite no-no anyway.
Murphyism of the Day
Pfeifer's Principle
Never make a decision you can get someone else to make.
No one keeps a record of decisions you could have made but didn't. Everyone keeps a record of your bad ones.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"I've had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn't it." -- Groucho Marx
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