Word of the Day
Vacustipation - The condition your vacuum cleaner is in when you suck up a sock.
OK. I washed out a gallon-size milk carton. I poured the wine from a gallon-size jug of wine into the perfectly clean gallon-size milk carton. I learned something new. Apparently, when you buy a gallon of milk, you don't actually get a gallon of milk. Either that or when you buy a gallon of jug wine you get more than a gallon of jug wine. I ended up having to pour about a cup of jug wine (which remained in the jug wine jug after completely filling the plastic gallon-size milk carton) into a really clean 2-Liter pop bottle. I imagine that you all are wondering why I went through all this. I have a Mother. Apparently the thought of me pouring perfectly good jug wine down the garbage disposal was just too much for her. The only thing I want to know is how long it took her to talk my Dad into firing off that e-mail requesting that I save the jug wine for her in an old milk carton. Which I washed out really well. I love you Mom.
Update on the car hunting and scouting. HTP and I went out yesterday and test drove both the Lucerne CXS and the Chevy Impala SS. We also noted that neutral leather looks off-white. And...we prefer the Precision Red color over the Monterey Metallic Red (or whatever they want to call it), which looks more burgandy than red. Sometimes you just can't tell what colors look like when you're looking at them on a computer screen or even on those tiny swatches in the showroom books. I've decided that if we get the Impala, only HTP and I can drive it. Sorry #1 son, DD Daughter and GI Joe, Arizona Daughter and TJ. After test-driving the vehicle, both HTP and I decided that the car is dangerously powerful. We both ended up bending the salesman's ear about our various "experiences" with a certain TransAm convertible. OK. Arizona Daughter never personally was driving during any of the experiences where the TransAm ended up in any number of shops looking like it should have been deemed "totaled" and neither did #1 son, GI Joe, and TJ...but they still can't drive it. It's amazing how we actually can talk about those past experiences now without breaking out into a cold sweat. Not to worry...we still haven't made any decisions. We're waiting for a call from an insurance agent at The Lake.
Murphyism of the Day
The Chief Executive in Charge of Titles Law
The longer the title, the less important the job.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"A modest little person, with much to be modest about." -- Winston Churchill
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