Weepidy - Sadness.

On the Fourth Day of Getting Ready for Christmas....
I'm actually not sure how much getting ready for Christmas I'm going to be able to do today. And I know I won't be doing much or any in the coming days. That's why I've been running around like a crazy lady getting as much as I can done while I still have time. I still have to put up the tree and do all kinds of baking and buy gifts and wrap and get the Christmas cards out and get to the post office but those things are just going to have to wait a bit. HTP and I are going to be flying to Denver tomorrow with some friends. The daughter of one of our best friends just got married and we've been invited to the join in the celebration at the wedding reception being held on Saturday. Today is going to have to be spent getting things buttoned up here. The pet-sitter is coming today. I need to give her the key to the house and a gate pass. Plus, I need to explain the dogs' meds, foods, schedule...etc. I don't like leaving the dogs at a kennel even for the couple of days that we're going to be gone. I need to pack. I haven't totally decided what I'm going to wear to the wedding reception. I may go out shopping...again....after the pet-sitter leaves. Oh...and I need to wash my hair.
It froze last night. Having received fair warning, I covered the few remaining frost sensitive plants that survived last winter's cold weather. Does covering frost sensitive plants with old holiday tableclothes count as decorating for Christmas? I can't even remove them as yet. It's still too cold. 30°F. It's supposed to freeze again tonight. I'm thinking about covering and keeping some of my plants covered until we get back from Denver....just in case. I'm just praying that the new trees that we planted to replace those that died last winter, are as frost tolerant as they claim.
Murphyism of the Day
Spark's Rules for the Project Manager - Part II
1. Don't engage in arguments, but if cornered, ask an irrelevant question and lean back with a satisfied grin while your opponent tries to figure out what's going on--then quickly change the subject.
2. Listen intently while others are arguing the problem. Pounce on a trite statement and bury them with it.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help but cry. I mean I'd love to be skinny like that, but not with all those flies and death and stuff." --Mariah Carey