DD Daughter and Mr. T.Word of the Day
Snuggable - Capable of being snuggled; something or someone that is both snuggly and huggable.Time to catch you all up on the events that I didn't take the time to blog about since the last time I blogged. Tuesday was Laundry Day...of course. Nothing new there. Wednesday, I had a dental appointment. Look, Mom! No cavities. Such a relief! Thursday?
HTP had an eye appointment in The Big City on Thursday. It takes three hours to drive to The Big City and, of course, the same amount of time to return to The Lake. As you all know...if you read my blog...HTP and I have been expecting to hear at any moment that DD Daughter might go into labor. We had decided that we'd drive on down to greet our new grandson whenever this major event should happen. But...you can't really schedule these things.
After a bit of discussion, HTP and I decided to pack our suitcases and the baby gifts and arrange for my folks to take care of Gypsy...just in case. Me? I picked and canned my tomatoes...just in case. Wednesday was a late night.
Thursday morning, HTP and I loaded everything into the car, took Gypsy to my folks' place and drove to The Big City. HTP had his eye appointment and I went shopping. After HTP's eye appointment, we headed over to pick up some photographs that we'd ordered from Walmart and planned to grab a bite to eat for lunch before heading over to HTP's folks' place for a visit. It wasn't long after sitting down for lunch that I noted that I'd missed a call on my cell phone....from DD Daughter. I'm not sure how I missed the call but when I tried to call her back, her phone went right to voice mail. Frustrated, and a bit concerned, HTP and I continued with our lunch when...my phone began to vibrate. This time, it was a call from #1 Son. He told us that DD Daughter had gone into labor. Sometimes it pays to plan ahead.
We headed off to pick up #1 Son so he could join us on our journey to greet his first nephew, our first grandson. #1 Son has a wonderful boss. After collecting #1 Son, who happens to be one of the fastest packers that I've ever known, we headed off to the hospital....the hospital located six hours from The Big City. We received a couple of calls from DD Daughter, en route, keeping us up to date on the events and finally arrived at the hospital at around 8:20 PM.
Upon arriving at the hospital, we raced up to the floor where we knew DD Daughter was laboring...and...they denied us access. I'm still a bit miffed at this. I think the nurse on duty at the desk was being overly negative and nasty. However, cell phones are a great tool. I think we'd still be sitting out in the waiting room if it weren't for our cell phone. We called DD Daughter and GI Joe picked up. Our new grandson had just made his debut! He arrived at 8:24 PM. They'd just cleaned him up when GI Joe came out to get us.
Welcome Mr. T! What a beautiful young man! He has a full head of blond hair. Eye color has yet to be determined but I'm betting that he's got the same color eyes as his sister, Ms. N. He weighed in at 6 lbs. 12 oz. and measured 20 inches long/tall. I'm not sure how big he would have been if he'd stayed in utero as long as he was supposed to but he proved that he's got a great pair of lungs when the nurses proceeded to poke and prod.
After spending a couple of hours admiring Mr. T, and chatting with DD Daughter and GI Joe, we headed off to see Ms. En, who was being well cared for by GI Joe's sisters. Ms. En was sound asleep by the time we got there so...
Friday was spent visiting with Ms. En and another visit with Mr. T, DD Daughter, and GI Joe and GI Joe's Mom. Mr. T. had been moved to NICU in another part of the hospital. After all, he go here a couple of weeks early. He's doing well but they wanted to make sure that he stayed well. We enjoyed more time with Ms. En and GI Joe's Mom which allowed GI Joe to spend more time with DD Daughter and Mr. T.
Saturday? It was time to head for home. #1 Son needed to be back at work on Monday, and Sunday would be needed as a day of rest. I'm glad that DD Daughter has such wonderful in-laws. GI Joe's sisters are miracles which I attribute to GI Joe's Mom and Dad. I know that DD Daughter, Mr. T. and Ms. En are in good hands. Plus...HTP and I will return to visit Ms. En and Mr. T. again in early October. I'm always amazed at how fast children grow...however, although I expect that Mr. T. will have grown some, I don't think he'll even notice our absence.
After an uneventful trip, HTP and I arrived home at around 6 PM on Saturday after collecting Gypsy from my folks' place. Thank you very much Mom and Dad for taking care of my Gypsy. My Dad was a bit upset that Gypsy had refused to do her business at all on Saturday but...not to worry...I think she was waiting for us to come home. She ran right outside to take care of "everything" as soon as she set foot on on her home territory. As we unpacked the car, she raced around the house multiple times but...we didn't trip over her.
We're home! I'm exhausted! We've got a brand new grandson!
Random Thought of the DayHave you ever been walking down the street and realized that you're going in the complete opposite direction of where you are supposed to be going? But instead of just turning a 180 and walking back in the direction from which you came, you have to first do something like check your watch or phone or make a grand arm gesture and mutter to yourself to ensure that no one in the surrounding area thinks you're crazy by randomly switching directions on the sidewalk.
Noteworthy Quote of the DayPeople who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one.
- Leo J. Burke