Old Grey Frog Enjoying An Evening on the Deck
Word of the Day
Scrapper - Someone who designs scrapbooks.
Woodtick Count of the Day - 42
Still no word from DD Daughter. #1 Son called to tell us that he's all set to hitch a ride with us should we receive a call tonight and tomorrow. However, he told us that should we receive a call on Sunday...he has to be back at work on Tuesday morning so...
In the meantime, I decided to continue to spend my time doing things that need doing. I made another batch of pesto and froze it in usable portions. I really do like that Chicken with Pesto recipe but it only calls for a half cup of pesto. How much pesto does one person need? I grated the what remained of my block of romano. I used a half cup of that in the pesto and reserved the rest of it for "on top of spaghetti". I'm not fond of romano cheese on spaghetti but HTP seems to expect it. I really don't think I'll need to make any more pesto this summer but should the need arise, I'll have to buy another block of romano cheese....which...probably won't happen.
I've been diligent in my goal of using up tomatoes without having to resort to canning. However, like pesto, there's only so much one can do with tomatoes before they have to start preserving them for the winter months. The blight has really hit my tomato vines hard but...there's LOTS of green tomatoes that will continue to ripen. And...failing that...I'll begin thoughts of making green tomato relish. However, we've still got a few weeks before the first frost hits...I hope.
If I don't hear from DD Daughter tonight...or tomorrow morning...I'll probably make another batch of Savory Tomato Sauce/Juice. I've got another zucchini that I should pick before it gets so big it might be mistaken for a fireplace log. Note to self...I was right to only plant one Earthbox with the four zucchini plants that I planted from seed.
HTP and I had Chicken Marsala for supper tonight. HTP wondered about the lack of potatoes or pasta but I figured we really didn't need the carbs. I served it with a nice garden salad.
Speaking of salad, I picked a huge batch of lettuce from my fenced, raised-bed gardens. The lettuce is finally starting to bolt. I may be able to pick a bit more lettuce from that garden in a couple of weeks but I noted that the red lettuce seems to have more staying power. The lettuce in my window box gardens is still recovering from my last picking but I think I'll be able to get one more picking of lettuce from it before HTP and I have to put all the gardens to bed for the winter and head back to our Arizona home for the winter months.
I was looking forward to a new episode of Monk, Psych, and Eureka tonight. I didn't realize that the new episodes wouldn't air on this Labor Day weekend. Who'd have thunk it.
Random Thought of the Day
I wish Google Maps had an "Avoid Ghetto" routing option.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I live now on borrowed time, waiting in the anteroom for the summons that will inevitably come. And then - I go on to the next thing, whatever it is. One doesn't luckily have to bother about that.
- Agatha Christie (1890 - 1976)
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