GI Joe took Ms. En to the Fair
Word of the Day
Scrumpled - To make rumpled or appear falling down.
Woodtick Count of the Day - 42
The leaves on the trees are just starting to suggest that they're thinking about changing to into their fall colors. Our weather here at The Lake has been variable. Today is warm enough to think about digging out the shorts but it wasn't so long ago that areas north of here got an early frost. I'm thankful that the early frost didn't hit us here. My tomatoes continue to ripen. I plan to make green tomato relish but I'd rather not have to make tons of the stuff. Hopefully, the majority of my tomatoes have a chance to ripen before HTP and I hit the road back to our Arizona home.
Yes, HTP and I have tentatively decided upon a departure date. I won't add a new countdown ticker until hotel reservations have been made but we've got a date in early October in mind. Frost or no frost, my garden will be put to bed by the end of September.
In the meantime, HTP and I continue to keep our ears glued to the phone. DD Daughter could be going into labor any day now. We're keeping flexible and I'd pack a bag but HTP would make fun of me.
Random Thought for the Day
Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.
- Patricia Neal
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