Deck Gardens - Spring 2009
Word of the Day
Seagull - To enter someone's workplace, make a lot of noise, mess everything up, and then leave.
Woodtick Count of the Day - 42
Let me count the ways. Tuesday was laundry and cleaning up my kitchen in preparation for bottling wine on Wednesday. Wednesday morning...change of plans. Ma's fridge died. Sis and I leaped into action. We spent the day cooking and canning. We made a batch of V-8 copycat juice from tomatoes that I'd picked from my vines and various things from Ma's freezer and odds and ends from Sis' and my crisper drawers. All this in Sis' steam juicer. Then, in my steam juicer, we piled all the frozen fruits from Ma's freezer, Sis' freezer, and my freezer. A mixture of this and that. Ten quarts of Mulligan Berry Juice...to be made into Mulligan Berry Wine...next spring. Beef and Venison was tossed into Sis' crock pot with a bit of wine, various soups that Ma had made and frozen.
Thursday? Today? I picked 15 pounds of green tomatoes from my vines out on the deck. Sis and I WILL bottle wine tomorrow AND start a batch of green tomato relish. Piccalilli Relish. HTP carried all six buckets of wine that we've been processing over the summer up from the basement so Sis and I can work on them tomorrow. We won't even try to bottle all that wine on one day.
Random Thought of the Day
The letters T and G are very close to each other on a keyboard. This recently became all too apparent to me and consequently I will never be ending a work email with the phrase "Regards" again.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
In religion and politics, people's beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second hand, and without examination.
- Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)
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