Le Pew!
Word of the Day
Scirish - A person of mixed Irish and Scottish descent.
Woodtick Count of the Day - 42
I've got three more jars of tomatoes canned. This time I tried a different recipe. Savory Tomato Sauce/Juice. In other words, although it is primarily tomatoes, I added zucchini, peppers, and onion. The juice is very good and I think the juice will make a nice Bloody Mary mix. As for the sauce, it will make a nice smooth spaghetti sauce as well. I ended up with two quarts of the juice and one quart of sauce. I'm getting the hang of using the steam juicer. Clean up was a lot easier this time. It works best to let the steam juicer do its thing and then put the leftover pulp through my Foley food mill. My Foley food mill works LOTS better than my high hat when it comes to working with the pulp. It's also a lot easier to clean. Anyway, after putting the pulp through the food mill, I ladled the undiluted sauce into a quart jar and then mixed the rest of the sauce in with the clear juice and then ladled that into quart jars. It looks like I'll be canning about every other day here at The Lake. The tomatoes are starting to ripen faster than HTP and I can eat them. I haven't decided whether or not I'll make any more Savory Tomato Sauce or not. We'll see. I don't have all that many zucchini or peppers in my garden and I refuse to buy any. I think the plain tomato sauce will end up being more versatile. I can always doctor up the juice for Bloody Marys.
There's a black and white critter hanging out near our house....and it isn't Gypsy. HTP and I have had to rush around closing windows and doors a couple of times in the evening. Stinky little critter. Le Pew! I'm not sure if the critter is a Pepe Le Pew or a Drucilla Le Pew but there's no mistaking the Le Pew perfume.
The blight has hit my tomato plants with a vengeance. I continue spraying but it feels like a hopeless task at this point. HTP reminds me that we'll only be here for another month and at the rate the weather is cooling, I'll be putting my deck and fenced gardens to bed long before the end of that month.
Murphyism of the Day
Howlands Law for Physicians
You never catch your patient's cold until you're about to leave on vacation.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The Argument from Intimidation is a confession of intellectual impotence.
- Ayn Rand (1905 - 1982)
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