Last Winter's Arizona Wines
They resided in my guest room but I'm expecting a visit from #1 Son so my guest room can't become a wine cellar...at least...not right now.
Word of the Day
Shoegating - Walking behind someone at a distance too close for comfort, much like tailgating in a car.
I have absolutely no excuses for not blogging yesterday. None. It was a beautiful day and I didn't even think about blogging. Instead I worked on my FarmVille farm, my Fish World aquariums, and Farkle. Facebook is becoming way too time consuming...a distraction when I really should be focusing on other things. I should have done a lot of things yesterday. I didn't.
Today I figured that I'd better get off my duff and get something...anything...done. I did and I plan to do more but I figured I'd take a break and blog. I dusted. I removed the fine layer of desert brown grit that had settled over everything while HTP and I were at The Lake. You can't really call this stuff dust. I still need to vacuum. I still need to scrub all the floors. However, that's for later.
As you can see...there's really nothing to blog about. My wine is still making lots of noise in their initial fermentation buckets. It's making so much noise that HTP thought we'd developed a leak outside with our drip irrigation system. He actually went outside to check...twice...but both times he went outside, the sound stopped. HTP has good ears. Me? I can hardly hear the effervescing sound the wine is making. However, I can smell the stuff. Good thing we've been able to keep the windows open or we'd probably both be drunk from the fumes. This house isn't as big as our house at The Lake. I don't have a basement or wine cellar where I can keep my wine projects. As a matter of fact, right now, my wine projects are sitting in buckets behind the couch in my living room where they aren't readily visible and where they're out of anyone's way...except...when I need to vacuum.
Random Thought of the Day
Everything old is new again, but if you wore it before, you're too old to wear it the 2nd time around.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
There's something almost perfect in the ugly duckling syndrome. Because a sensitivity is tattooed on a part of you no one else can see but can somehow guess is there.
- Stephanie Klein
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