Ms. En at the Play Ground - October 2009
Word of the Day
Shmoof - "It can be anything you want it to be."
It's been a wonderful day! Wonderful days are when the planets are all aligned and everything happens just the way you want it to happen.
The landscaper that did such an disappointing job the other day and who HTP thought we'd never see again, sent his partner back today (after I called) and this guy completed our landscape clean-up to my relief and satisfaction.
Then, the yeast I ordered for my winter wine-making projects got here. I've got a quadruple recipe of Pomegranate Wine (with barley water)started...six gallons. And I started a double batch of Prickly Pear Cactus Wine, also six gallons. I'm trying a different recipe this year for the later. I wasn't happy with the recipe that I tried last year. I still need to start a batch of Pomegranate Wine (with white grape juice) but...I've got to wait until I can transfer the Prickly Pear Cactus Wine into a fermentation jug. I don't have all that many buckets here in Arizona. I'm not going to be making nearly as much wine here in Arizona this year but I think I'll still end up with nearly 18 gallons when it comes to bottling time. I'll need to start collecting bottles. Maybe I'll post a notice at our local clubhouse.
Want to recycle your empty wine bottles? Going green? Drop those bottles off over at Old Grey Frog's house. She'll take care of them for you.I'm a bit afraid to do that at this point. I may end up with more bottles than I could use in a lifetime of wine-making.
HTP had a productive lunch with a friend of his. He came back home in a much improved mood. When HTP is in a good mood...the planets are aligned.
Oh...and my folks have made it safely home...to their Nevada home. They only plan to stay there for about a week but...they're home. However, apparently the planets weren't quite so favorably aligned in Nevada. They ended up being delayed for four to five hours while they were driving home (Nevada home) due to a dust storm. Then...when they got home (Nevada home) they discovered that their air-conditioning had pooped out and the repair people can't come to fix it until tomorrow, AND, their hot water heater (I think it's only a year old) had died, AND, their runabout car that they keep stored in their garage...well...it wouldn't start. So? Oh well...the ceiling fans are still working. I suppose if the house gets too hot for them tonight, they can always head to the nearest casino and spend the night there. Maybe their luck would improve?
Random Thought of the Day
Every time I have to spell a word over the phone using 'as in' examples, I will undoubtedly draw a blank and sound like a complete idiot. Today I had to spell my boss's last name to an attorney and said "Yes that's G as in...(10 second lapse)..ummm...Goonies"
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The surest way to make a monkey of a man is to quote him.
- Robert Benchley (1889 - 1945)
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