Old Grey Frog and Mr. T
Word of the Day
Shaln't - Shall not; shan't.
HTP and I packed everything on our Packing Lists and we checked off all the items on our To Do Lists...after I snapped the lock on the chain that secures our gate. We hit the open road at around 9 AM on Wednesday morning and arrived at DD Daughter and GI Joe's house at around 6 PM.
We enjoyed the opportunity to have our grandchildren to ourselves without parental interferance. Ms. En is a real cutie. She loves her Nick Jr. TV shows. Mr. T. loves the vibrating bouncy chair that his Great Aunt Joanne gave DD Daughter when Ms. En was born. Still works great.
I'm posting this a bit later than normal...heck...it's actually Thursday already!
DD Daughter!
If today is Thursday, October 8th, it's DD Daughter's birthday today! We'd planned to take the kids out to the pumpkin patch later today...after I actually have a chance to get some sleep but, it sounds like it might rain. *sigh* It rained when we wanted to go to the zoo in April. I think it's all a conspiracy.
We'll be spending Thursday night here at DD Daughter's house but will be hitting the open road again on Friday morning. Friday night we'll be in Denver where we plan to connect with one of my best friends and her husband. Saturday night will find us in Albuquerque and then...knock on wood...we should be spending Sunday night sleeping once again in our own bed in Arizona.
I can't promise to blog until we actually get settled back at our Arizona home but...if I find the time and energy...at least I won't promise that I won't blog.
Random Thought of the Day
I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
If you knew what I know about the power of giving, you would not let a single meal pass without sharing it in some way.
-Buddha (563 BC - 483 BC)
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