The Garden Beds are Ready for Tilling
Word of the Day
Stupicide - An act or instance of unintentionally killing oneself by exhibiting lack of better judgment and thus attempting a stupid stunt, such as trying to jump off a roof and land in the pool; death due to the quality or state of being stupid, dense, dumb, obtuse or thick.
2010 Woodtick Count - 1
Not five minutes after I told my sister that I surprised that I hadn't found even one woodtick so far this year...I plucked a wandering woodtick off my neck. And so, as you can see, the 2010 Woodtick Count has begun. Of course, Kylee has had several woodticks already. Since I Frontlined her, I've been finding dead woodticks on my bed and in her bedding. It amazes me that someone hasn't invented a similar product for humans. Come to think of it, I don't think they've developed a vaccine to protect against Lyme's disease for humans either...but...I could be wrong. It's amazing how many imaginary woodticks a person thinks they feel crawling on them after finding the real thing crawling or dug in on them.
After another successful obedience training session, I spaded my last garden bed. My seven raised bed gardens are now ready to be roto-tilled but that's for another day. Then, after lunch, I planted Sweet 100 tomatoes in the four largest green planters on my lower patio. The pots are so big that I planted two tomato plants per pot. I know that it's way too early to be planting frost sensitive plants but I plan on covering these four plants every night until the danger of frost is no longer a problem. Hopefully, that won't be more than a week or so. The set onions that I planted in the same tubs won't need to be covered.
Random Thought of the Day
Why are dogs noses always wet?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Examinations are formidable even to the best prepared, for the greatest fool may ask more than the wisest man can answer.
- Charles Caleb Colton (1780 - 1832)
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