Word of the Day
Stroodle - The annoying strand of cheese stretching from a slice of hot pizza to one's mouth.
I was finally able to take Kylee out for her obedience training after breakfast....yes, I did. It was muddy but we managed. It was raining the first two times that I took Kylee out to do her thing this morning. I got wet...so did Kylee...but she didn't mind. During our training walk, I saw some larger tracks, domestic, wild, I have no idea, but...I'm leaning toward a larger cat, bobcat, not cougar (yes, cougars have been spotted), or domestic, too small for bear, and not quite the right shape to be a large dog or coyote or wolf. You know, sometimes, I really think I should be armed when Kylee and I take our walks...or when I go out berry picking. I may consult with Sis' hubby. Maybe he can advise me and teach me how to use a small fire-arm. I figure that by the time I can grab my cell phone and call for help...it just might be too late...other than to find bits and pieces of my mangled body...or just the cell phone. I've been glad that I decided to walk Kylee on leash (since the mouse incident...and, no, I won't EVER forget that incident)because every day I see several pairs of mating bald eagles circling over our home. Right now, Kylee is small enough to rate as food when it comes to bald eagles...probably owls as well. Until Kylee gets to be a bit bigger (not that I want her to be "bigger" or as big as a standard Australian shepherd), and, until her obedience training kicks in a bit, I figure she'll be safer around here...on leash.
My folks have headed off to Sin City...the wilds of their Nevada home. This is the last time they plan to visit their home in Las Vegas. They're packing up as much of their belongings as they can fit in their car before they head on back here to the wilds of The Lake. Meanwhile, Sis and her hubby are taking care of my folks' puppy...Sandy. What a handful! I'm sure Sis and her hubby can handle her...I'm just glad that I wasn't asked to take care of one hyper-active bundle of energy. It's all I can do to handle Kylee. Kylee is laid-back compared to Sandy.
I never got around to spading another garden bed today. Too muddy. Maybe tomorrow. However, I did pull one tick off Kylee, but I won't start my 2010 Woodtick Count until I find one crawling or stuck into ME. I was able to dispatch the tick I pulled from where I recovered it, deep within Kylee's puppy thatch, to a watery grave (flushed it). I noted that I'll have to Frontline Kylee again on Friday.
Random Thought of the Day
If one man says, "it was an uphill battle," and another says, "it went downhill from there," how could they both be having troubles?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
If you have any doubts that we live in a society controlled by men, try reading down the index of contributors to a volume of quotations, looking for women's names.
- Elaine Gill
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