Word of the Day
Strumble - The invisible object that someone uses to cover up the fact that they really tripped due to their own clumsiness.
I probably shouldn't have given Kylee that piece of wheat toast this morning. She ended up barfing it all up and then some. I called the vet and was told that Kylee's tummy was probably upset by something else, and since Kylee seems to eat everything she can get into her mouth (even when I've got her on leash), it's hard to argue with that. Oh well, Kylee is on a strict diet until she can keep things down, plus, she's confined to her kennel except for potty breaks. No food or water for six hours. At around 7 PM tonight, she can have 1 tablespoon of boiled rice and a tablespoon of water. I seem to remember this diet from when my kids got sick. *sigh*
Meanwhile, since I didn't dig my "one a day" garden bed yesterday, I hoped to make up for yesterday by digging two beds today. Didn't happen. After digging one bed, my back was broke. However, HTP helped me move all my Earthboxes out to the deck and I moved all the rest of the containers for my deck gardens out onto the deck. After that, I called it a day. It's too early to plant anything right now since I expect we'll be getting several more frosty nights between now and the end of May. However, I may try to start my deck gardens by the beginning of May. If it gets too cold, I can always cover my containers with sheets.
Sis tells me that my folks are having grand adventures on their road trip to Vegas. I won't go into the list of misadventures but, at least I'm told that they were in good humor and they made it safe and sound at the motel last night.
Random Thought of the Day
Why does triangularly cut bread taste better than square bread?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The golden rule is that there are no golden rules.
- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950
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