Viewing Corridor - April 10, 2010
We've got two HUGE brush piles that HTP and #1 Son can permiting.
Word of the Day
Stoptional - 1. When stopping at a stop sign is left to choice; not required. 2. Any stop sign with a white border.
Kylee only woke me up once last night. The canned pumpkin seems to be doing its job. I'll have to put canned pumpkin on my shopping list so I'll have it readily available....for the next time. We resumed our obedience training. It's going to take a while but a well trained dog makes a wonderful walking and hiking companion.
Exhaustion! After Kylee and I took a long training walk up to the main road and back, I decided to start spading my raised bed gardens. It immediately became apparent that my task was going to be harder than I thought. The one bed that I spaded was LOADED with wild raspberry roots. There's no way that HTP can roto-till the gardens with all those roots. I ended up with an entire bushel basket packed with raspberry roots. It was like digging through sod. Oh well...hopefully, the remaining six garden beds won't be as bad. I found the garlic that I thought I'd lost and will plant the spouting corms in the front flower garden. Hey! Why not? And...I've got worms for whenever I eventually find the energy to go out fishing. Not today.
While I was still battling the one and only garden bed that I eventually dug, HTP shouted that he was going to work on removing the blackberry bushes and brush from the edges of our lawn and near our dock. So...after I finished cleaning up with the one garden bed (there was no way I could have tackled more than the one...oh, my aching back), I helped HTP with the blackberry bushes and the brushing. Done! Our viewing corridor is once again a viewing corridor and we cleared a small area where we can land and pull up our rowboat....and all the blackberry bushes that have been attacking HTP when he's working on the lawn. Not to worry, there are plenty of blackberry bushes lining both sides of our half mile driveway.
Dare I hope that I've avoided getting any woodticks after all my outdoor activities today? Eventually, I know that I'll be seeing that first woodtick and will have to start my 2010 Woodtick Count. I didn't start my 2009 Woodtick Count until the beginning of May. However, my Mom has already been finding ticks. Hopefully, treating her dog with Frontline will have taken care of that problem...and, yes, Kylee has been Frontlined.
Random Thought of the Day
If you get cheated by the Better Business Bureau, who do you complain to?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I base my fashion taste on what doesn't itch.
- Gilda Radner (1946 - 1989
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