Saturday, May 27, 2006

Word of the Day

ANGUS DEI - To play music with a divinely beefy tone.

I've got my garden planted. Despite the fact that my Burpee's orders arrived yesterday via UPS, Burpee's made yet another error. I was supposed to receive six Italian pepper plants. I received three. Oh well...I'll plant what I have and hope that they can send the three missing plants asap. I started working on the garden early this morning but despite my efforts to avoid the heat of the day, it was still very hot and very humid. I refuse to think about how it could have been worse. I know. And I really shouldn't complain because I know that it's a lot hotter in Iraq right now where GI Joe is serving. And I hear that it's a lot more hot and humid at Camp Gitmo. Still...the mosquitoes were bad. The wasps were buzzing. I was so hot and "glowing" that by the time I'd finished I was ready to collapse. I planted four kinds of bush bean. Three kinds of lettuce. Two kinds of cucumber. Two kinds of zucchini. Three kinds of eggplant. And twelve tomato plants which I had to plant outside of my garden in various spots, here and there, in my flower beds because it isn't a good idea to plant tomatoes in the same spot year after year. I hope they do OK in the flower beds or I'll be doing a lot of shopping at the Farmer's Market this year so I can "can" enough tomatoes for the winter. What is so pitiful is that my garden is REALLY small. It shouldn't have taken so much out of me to plant it. I still have to plant the peppers that I did receive out in the Earthbox. I think I'm going to plant some romaine lettuce in the other Earthbox. My Earthboxes are out in the garage, too heavy for me to lift and carry. I've got to wait until #1 son can bring them out onto the deck for me. I'm only going to use the two Earthboxes this year instead of all the other pots. #1 son told me that he'd take my other containers out to the garden where I may or may not plant something in them. I'll think on it. But, for right now, I'm finished. Now all that's required is a bit of rain and some sunshine and patience.

I went fishing. I caught two bluegill. It's hot and humid and windy out on the dock. I think I'll wait until it cools down a bit. There's a lot of weekenders out water-skiing and pontooning. Maybe it will have cooled down enough to try my luck again before supper. We'll see.


Well it looks like I won't be able to go down fishing afterall. I knew that it felt like rain. And? It's raining. I guess I didn't have to worry so much about watering the garden. I hope the double dose won't wash away the lettuce seeds.

Murphyism of the Day

The Two Rules for Ultimate Success in Life

1. Never tell everything you know.

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