Word of the Day
Potholigation - The art of navigating a motor vehicle through freshly sunken potholes.
Happy Mother's Day!!!!!!!
It's Mother's Day. HTP and I sent flowers and a card to his Mom because we won't be there to take her out to brunch. We're taking my Mom out to The BlueHills Supper Club for one of their special brunch buffets. I would have sent her flowers too but she always tells us that she'd rather see those flowers growing out in her garden.
To be continued.....
#1 son gave me flowers and I discovered that I have tiny vases and big vases here at The Lake but nothing just right. Oh well...I put the flowers in one of my big vases and I took care of the problem just now when we got home. I ran outside and snipped a bit of my honeysuckle bush and a bit of the ferns and another bit of this and that and now I have a beautiful floral arrangement that fits just right into one of my big vases. He also gave me a bag of Tootsie Roll Pops. I love Tootsie Roll Pops. This way I can nosh on something to sooth my sweet tooth without totally wrecking my diet. Like I wrecked my diet at the buffet today. Why do I always eat so much at these things? I tried to be so good too. Just a taste of this and that, but it all adds up. No more food for me today. I'm so full I can hardly move.
I found my first woodtick of the season. She was brazonly crawling up my arm in plain view. I suppose I picked her up when I was gathering this and that from my gardens to fill up my vase. Hopefully, she was my only hitch-hiker. It's the stowaways that you need to worry about...the ones that you don't find before they've attached themselves and started to gorge.
Murphyism of the Day
Von Braun's Advice
I have learned to use the word "impossible" with the greatest of caution.
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